Wow! Christmas is over.....what a weekend!
Sorry to say it but I am glad that it's over. Don't get me wrong, it was nice....but was tiring as well.
I have to say that I received really nice gifts again this year... These included a new bridle, a girth strap, some hoof conditioner, and horse based board games.
I really miss Sir though. It feels as though I haven't seen him in a long while Even though I had seen him the weekend before Christmas.
I saw him yesterday after my fund raising event meeting at Hallockville Museum Farm. (Civil War battle reenactment August 6 & 7 2016)
Unfortunately the paddock was a muddy mess and I didn't have the right footwear to go into it. Sir did come over to the fence to say hi. Hopefully this coming weekend will be nice weather wise and I can hang with him longer.
Sorry that I don't have much in this post.....
Sir's Human
What began as a Blog pertaining to how Sir helped me with my grief of the loss of my Son has morphed into something different since Sir's passing to the other side of life.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Something is wrong with Sir! (well maybe not)
Hi All
Let me begin by saying that there is nothing wrong with my boy Sir! Other than being spoiled that is ;)
Laurel told me this story the other day;
I was standing at the barn door admiring Sir and I said to Laurel, "Man I love that horse" She giggled and said " I forgot to tell you what happened the other day.
She was in the house working on paperwork, etc. when Cale came into the house in a frenzy. She could see that he was upset about something. She asked what was wrong and he was so upset that he was stuttering and and stammering. He was finally able to get out something to the affect that "It's Copper" (Copper is one of Laurel's personal horses.). She explained how she was up and out the door in a flash. Now in my minds eye I could see her moving so quickly that papers flew into the air and settled gently back to the desk and floor as she exited. Cale's hair was forced back and his eyes forced shut from the force of the turbulence she caused. LOL
So she rushes towards the barn to get a halter, in the distance she can see our Volunteer Coordinator Sue. She asks Sue what is wrong with Copper and Sue tells her that it's not Copper. It's Sir!
Laurel pauses for a second and observes the situation....Sir is standing there, tail swishing, and going about his business as usual. She asks what was wrong and Sue explains that Sir was lying on the ground and his legs were flailing or moving. Laurel thought that he may have been suffering from colic. Now this would not have been good because Sir has a heart murmur which prevents him from having surgery.
After assessing the situation Laurel came to the realization that Sir was only DREAMING! Just like dogs and other animals do.
(I'd like to think that he was dreaming of he and I out for a ride on the wide open plains of Montana or somewhere galloping and enjoying the day!)
All joking aside, I am so glad that he is okay!
Laurel.....thanks for the laugh(s)!
Until next time.....
Sir's Human
Let me begin by saying that there is nothing wrong with my boy Sir! Other than being spoiled that is ;)
Laurel told me this story the other day;
I was standing at the barn door admiring Sir and I said to Laurel, "Man I love that horse" She giggled and said " I forgot to tell you what happened the other day.
She was in the house working on paperwork, etc. when Cale came into the house in a frenzy. She could see that he was upset about something. She asked what was wrong and he was so upset that he was stuttering and and stammering. He was finally able to get out something to the affect that "It's Copper" (Copper is one of Laurel's personal horses.). She explained how she was up and out the door in a flash. Now in my minds eye I could see her moving so quickly that papers flew into the air and settled gently back to the desk and floor as she exited. Cale's hair was forced back and his eyes forced shut from the force of the turbulence she caused. LOL
So she rushes towards the barn to get a halter, in the distance she can see our Volunteer Coordinator Sue. She asks Sue what is wrong with Copper and Sue tells her that it's not Copper. It's Sir!
Laurel pauses for a second and observes the situation....Sir is standing there, tail swishing, and going about his business as usual. She asks what was wrong and Sue explains that Sir was lying on the ground and his legs were flailing or moving. Laurel thought that he may have been suffering from colic. Now this would not have been good because Sir has a heart murmur which prevents him from having surgery.
After assessing the situation Laurel came to the realization that Sir was only DREAMING! Just like dogs and other animals do.
(I'd like to think that he was dreaming of he and I out for a ride on the wide open plains of Montana or somewhere galloping and enjoying the day!)
All joking aside, I am so glad that he is okay!
Laurel.....thanks for the laugh(s)!
Until next time.....
Sir's Human
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Phoenix Award Gala Announced
Hi All
I just received the following Press Release from the North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary
Local organization North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary is pleased to share the success of last year's First Annual Phoenix Award event by announcing that the rescue will host the Second Phoenix award on March 4,2016. The Board of Directors reached beyond the horse world into the "wild" to honor a long time Long lsland family who has housed, cared for and helped the community to understand the world of exotic animals.
The Phoenix Award represents the work of an individual, organization, group or cause demonstrating outstanding work in promoting prevention, health, humane practice and advocacy for all animals.
As a rescue we salute the outstanding work and long time commitment to "wild" and "domestic" animals, as well as the Novak Family's commitment to educating and offering family programming to the Long lsland community. We celebrate their work with Cheesecake the I' Python, Clifford the Giraffe and Hudson the Cougar, to name a few.
We invite you to join the fun of this evening's Safari environment theme and to join us in honoring the Novak family at the Second Annual Phoenix Award Gala:
We strive for optimum service at our events. ln order to do this we require that
tickets must be purchased in advance. There will be no tickets sold at the door.
Tickets Purchased in Advance Only
Price Per Ticket: 95.00
RSVP by February 26,2016
Dress is formal attire.
Please visit our website North Shore Horse Rescue/ .
lf paying via PayPal on our site be sure to enter "Gala" in the "Purpose" box under the donate link.
Or call 631-334-8258 for event details, and advance ticket purchase,
We will look forward to meeting and spending time with you on this special night
I just received the following Press Release from the North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary
Press Announcement for immediate release
Local organization North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary is pleased to share the success of last year's First Annual Phoenix Award event by announcing that the rescue will host the Second Phoenix award on March 4,2016. The Board of Directors reached beyond the horse world into the "wild" to honor a long time Long lsland family who has housed, cared for and helped the community to understand the world of exotic animals.
We are proud that by unanimous vote this year's recipient is:
The Novak Family - Long lsland Game Farm
The Phoenix Award represents the work of an individual, organization, group or cause demonstrating outstanding work in promoting prevention, health, humane practice and advocacy for all animals.
As a rescue we salute the outstanding work and long time commitment to "wild" and "domestic" animals, as well as the Novak Family's commitment to educating and offering family programming to the Long lsland community. We celebrate their work with Cheesecake the I' Python, Clifford the Giraffe and Hudson the Cougar, to name a few.
We invite you to join the fun of this evening's Safari environment theme and to join us in honoring the Novak family at the Second Annual Phoenix Award Gala:
100 Fox Hill Drive, Baiting Hollow, NY 11930
March 4, 2016 from 7 p.m. - 11 p.m
Tickets Purchased in Advance Only
Price Per Ticket: 95.00
RSVP by February 26,2016
Dress is formal attire.
Please visit our website North Shore Horse Rescue/ .
lf paying via PayPal on our site be sure to enter "Gala" in the "Purpose" box under the donate link.
Or call 631-334-8258 for event details, and advance ticket purchase,
We will look forward to meeting and spending time with you on this special night
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
It's been Crazy busy!
Hi all
It has been quite the busy week since I wrote last.
Santa made his appearance last Saturday and honestly it was a slow day. But thank you to those that came and took pics
Hopefully this Saturday will be busier.
I have also been working on the committee for the Gala that is coming up in March 4, 2016. I will post the press release here as soon as it undergoes it's final proof read.It's shaping up to be a great time!
I hope to see you there.
Also in the works is the Civil War Battle Re_enactment at Hallockville Museum Farm next August 6 & 7th. All the proceeds will benefit both the North Shore Horse Rescue and Hallockville Farm Museum. I speak from experience when I say that it is a fun way to spend with time your family. I will fill you in on a separate post soon.
My Lunch break is over so I will post again soon!
Sir's Human!
It has been quite the busy week since I wrote last.
Santa made his appearance last Saturday and honestly it was a slow day. But thank you to those that came and took pics
Hopefully this Saturday will be busier.
I have also been working on the committee for the Gala that is coming up in March 4, 2016. I will post the press release here as soon as it undergoes it's final proof read.It's shaping up to be a great time!
I hope to see you there.
Also in the works is the Civil War Battle Re_enactment at Hallockville Museum Farm next August 6 & 7th. All the proceeds will benefit both the North Shore Horse Rescue and Hallockville Farm Museum. I speak from experience when I say that it is a fun way to spend with time your family. I will fill you in on a separate post soon.
My Lunch break is over so I will post again soon!
Sir's Human!
Friday, December 4, 2015
Here comes Santa Claus!!
Hi All
Santa will be at the North Shore Horse Rescue tomorrow, Saturday 12/5/15.
Bring your kids and or pets and your camera and for a $5.00 donation he will take a pic with you!
HO HO HO.....see you there!
Sir's Human
Santa will be at the North Shore Horse Rescue tomorrow, Saturday 12/5/15.
Bring your kids and or pets and your camera and for a $5.00 donation he will take a pic with you!
HO HO HO.....see you there!
Sir's Human
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Sir....You're a STAR!!
This past weekend I made my way to Gettysburg Pa for our annual Remembrance Day event.
I had dinner with my good friend Bill Taylor and his wife Karen. My trusty sidekick/"body guard" Rich Pawling joined us as well.
Bill gave me a custom made western saddle along with a bit and multiple pads. The saddle is awesome! Thanks Bill!!
It was a bitter sweet trip. Gettysburg was always a happy place for Lynn, Frankie, and I, We always felt like it was a home away from home so to speak. But now not so much. Everywhere I went was a memory, a good memory, but bitter sweet.
But strange as it was, every time that I felt myself slipping into sadness, I either saw a horse or someone asked about Sir. Awesome! I instantly got back on track and felt much better.
Call it the universe or Frankie working behind the scenes or just coincidence either way it worked!
People actually seemed genuinely interested asking questions and offering suggestions and their own stories about their experiences with horses.
It really made my weekend tolerable.
Sir just keeps on giving me support even when we are apart.
I made my way home thinking about the weekend, Frankie, and Sir. Hawks crossed my path on several occasions, To me a sign that my Son is around.
All in all I was at peace.
I made my way out to the barn Monday evening and froze my ass off LOL. The wind was blowing and the temperature was dropping. But it was worth it. Tommy and Laurel and I chatted and laughed. We spoke about some events that are in the pipeline. As usual it was a good time.
Several times I went over to Sir's paddock and tried to coax him into coming to me. (something that he always did) The paddock was muddy and I was still in my work clothes so I stayed outside of it.
He would look at me then go back to what he was doing before.
He was ignoring me! Ha! The big lug was not going to give in!
I know that we tend to humanize our animals and pets. And if I didn't know better it seemed like he was giving it back to me for being way for the weekend. LOL
Sir is certainly a celebrity thanks to all of you who follow this blog and my FB page. A word to those of you who follow this blog because you have also suffered a loss,feel free to comment. And find something that will make you feel good about you while you are doing it and beyond. Volunteer at a nursing home, the VA, or animal shelter. There are so many souls that need a can be their friend and they can be your salvation.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Sir's Human
I had dinner with my good friend Bill Taylor and his wife Karen. My trusty sidekick/"body guard" Rich Pawling joined us as well.
Bill gave me a custom made western saddle along with a bit and multiple pads. The saddle is awesome! Thanks Bill!!
It was a bitter sweet trip. Gettysburg was always a happy place for Lynn, Frankie, and I, We always felt like it was a home away from home so to speak. But now not so much. Everywhere I went was a memory, a good memory, but bitter sweet.
But strange as it was, every time that I felt myself slipping into sadness, I either saw a horse or someone asked about Sir. Awesome! I instantly got back on track and felt much better.
Call it the universe or Frankie working behind the scenes or just coincidence either way it worked!
People actually seemed genuinely interested asking questions and offering suggestions and their own stories about their experiences with horses.
It really made my weekend tolerable.
Sir just keeps on giving me support even when we are apart.
I made my way home thinking about the weekend, Frankie, and Sir. Hawks crossed my path on several occasions, To me a sign that my Son is around.
All in all I was at peace.
I made my way out to the barn Monday evening and froze my ass off LOL. The wind was blowing and the temperature was dropping. But it was worth it. Tommy and Laurel and I chatted and laughed. We spoke about some events that are in the pipeline. As usual it was a good time.
Several times I went over to Sir's paddock and tried to coax him into coming to me. (something that he always did) The paddock was muddy and I was still in my work clothes so I stayed outside of it.
He would look at me then go back to what he was doing before.
He was ignoring me! Ha! The big lug was not going to give in!
I know that we tend to humanize our animals and pets. And if I didn't know better it seemed like he was giving it back to me for being way for the weekend. LOL
Sir is certainly a celebrity thanks to all of you who follow this blog and my FB page. A word to those of you who follow this blog because you have also suffered a loss,feel free to comment. And find something that will make you feel good about you while you are doing it and beyond. Volunteer at a nursing home, the VA, or animal shelter. There are so many souls that need a can be their friend and they can be your salvation.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Sir's Human
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Rough day...but Sir was there
I and Nicole arrived at the barn at around 7:30 AM today to assist Sue with the feeding. Laurel and Tom went up to a big Equine event in Mass. Sounded like a really large flea market. They had a well deserved day to themselves.
As most of you know today is the 2nd anniversary of my son's passing, It was not an easy day emotionally, But I was surrounded by such wonderful and supportive friends. And the numerous postings on facebook and the text messages truly helped. Thank you all!
After the feeding was completed we hung around and talked about things....just stuff.
The day was beautiful. There was a slight breeze and the sun was shining and the temperature was way above normal,
I decided that I was going to ride Sir. I figured just an easy ride. A walk is all.
So I groomed him and got the saddle and pad on him. But when I went to put the bridle on him it was out of whack. It just wasn't fitting right. When I used it yesterday when Elizabeth and her daughter Erika rode him it was fine. But not today. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. My abstract mind, usually good, was not cooperating. And at that point I just did not have the energy or the patience. So instead of letting Sir pick up on that I gave up and took him out to graze. He enjoyed that better than being ridden I'm sure. I may just buy my own before Christmas ;>)
My friends Pete and Rosemarie both offered to let me borrow their Hackamores but I declined, I just felt that it was a sign that I shouldn't ride. But this is the degree of niceness that these people possess. So very caring, Even a new acquaintance, Lori, who I wrote about yesterday(adopting 2 horses), gave me a bottle of wine that she had delivered from Italy. To help me and my health. I just met her a few weeks ago! I thank God and the Universe for getting me to the rescue. It's my oasis!
So we got through another day without my boy. Hopefully a little bit stronger for it.
Thanks to all of you for the support you show to Lynn and I.
Until next time
I Remain Sir's Human
As most of you know today is the 2nd anniversary of my son's passing, It was not an easy day emotionally, But I was surrounded by such wonderful and supportive friends. And the numerous postings on facebook and the text messages truly helped. Thank you all!
After the feeding was completed we hung around and talked about things....just stuff.
The day was beautiful. There was a slight breeze and the sun was shining and the temperature was way above normal,
I decided that I was going to ride Sir. I figured just an easy ride. A walk is all.
So I groomed him and got the saddle and pad on him. But when I went to put the bridle on him it was out of whack. It just wasn't fitting right. When I used it yesterday when Elizabeth and her daughter Erika rode him it was fine. But not today. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. My abstract mind, usually good, was not cooperating. And at that point I just did not have the energy or the patience. So instead of letting Sir pick up on that I gave up and took him out to graze. He enjoyed that better than being ridden I'm sure. I may just buy my own before Christmas ;>)
My friends Pete and Rosemarie both offered to let me borrow their Hackamores but I declined, I just felt that it was a sign that I shouldn't ride. But this is the degree of niceness that these people possess. So very caring, Even a new acquaintance, Lori, who I wrote about yesterday(adopting 2 horses), gave me a bottle of wine that she had delivered from Italy. To help me and my health. I just met her a few weeks ago! I thank God and the Universe for getting me to the rescue. It's my oasis!
So we got through another day without my boy. Hopefully a little bit stronger for it.
Thanks to all of you for the support you show to Lynn and I.
Until next time
I Remain Sir's Human
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Hi all
Yes that's correct! Today there were 4 horses adopted by two wonderful people. Lori adopted Mike and Joe and Nicole adopted two Minis, Elroy and Red. All four will remain at the Rescue so be sure and visit them to say hello!
Till next time!
Sir's Human
Yes that's correct! Today there were 4 horses adopted by two wonderful people. Lori adopted Mike and Joe and Nicole adopted two Minis, Elroy and Red. All four will remain at the Rescue so be sure and visit them to say hello!
Till next time!
Sir's Human
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Lori and Joey |
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Lori and Mikey |
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Nicole with Red & Elroy |
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Amazing Video of a rescue of 200+ stranded horses
I just saw a video on Facebook that was shared by my friend Marrissa Gayle. I will post the link below. I urge you to watch this amazing rescue of over 200 horses.
If it doesn't tug at your heart strings then I don't what to tell you. Maybe you don't have a heart.
This happened in 2006. Be sure to scroll down and watch the video after you read the story.
This rescue was not easy by no means. An easier way to assist rescued horses is to donate to the North Shore Horse Rescue.
Click below to donate.....
North Shore Horse Rescue
Click below to view the video.
Video of 2006 rescue of a herd of stranded horses
Sir's Human
If it doesn't tug at your heart strings then I don't what to tell you. Maybe you don't have a heart.
This happened in 2006. Be sure to scroll down and watch the video after you read the story.
This rescue was not easy by no means. An easier way to assist rescued horses is to donate to the North Shore Horse Rescue.
Click below to donate.....
North Shore Horse Rescue
Click below to view the video.
Video of 2006 rescue of a herd of stranded horses
Sir's Human
Monday, November 9, 2015
Work Day at the rescue
Hi again
This past Sunday a few of my close friends came out to help paint fences. The sky was overcast and it it was windy and cool but the enthusiasm was hot and heavy!
We accomplished a lot but there is still more to be done.
A big thank you goes out to EJ, Dakota, Erin, Jesse, and last but not least Felix!
And a special thanks goes out to my friend Rob who donated the paint.
Left to right: Dakota, Me, and EJ
Dakota and Sir in the background supervising
Jesse and Erin
Dakota and I. Mack in the back showing his approval
Erin and Jesse hard at work!
This past Sunday a few of my close friends came out to help paint fences. The sky was overcast and it it was windy and cool but the enthusiasm was hot and heavy!
We accomplished a lot but there is still more to be done.
A big thank you goes out to EJ, Dakota, Erin, Jesse, and last but not least Felix!
And a special thanks goes out to my friend Rob who donated the paint.
Sir's Human hard at work
Dakota and Sir in the background supervising
Jesse and Erin
Dakota and I. Mack in the back showing his approval
Erin and Jesse hard at work!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Stupid Horse!....Dumb Animal!!!
Ha! Got your attention ?
The more that I am around Sir and the other horses I am realizing that they are pretty damn smart.
I took Sir out of his paddock yesterday to groom him and to take him for some grazing time.
He walked out of the paddock and gave me the half turn that I always ask for. I locked the gate and started walking with him. We had to walk past my car and Sir guided me over to the rear drivers side door and stood there staring through the window. No he wasn't admiring himself in the reflection of the window. He was waiting for me to open the door and give him his favorite treats. So I opened the door and gave him some treats.
Now is that smart or what?!!???!!?? This was not due to repetitive actions. I did this with him maybe twice before. But in that 2 times he learned.
There are so many other examples of how smart horses are like; knowing their names, coming when called, not coming when another horse is called. And so many more.
So my point here is when people refer to horses as dumb animals, stupid horses, etc. they are either not teaching their horses or they are blind to what is really happening.
If you have additional examples of why you think horses are not dumb or stupid post a comment here. This blog is read by many people all over the US and the world! So lets educate them!
Next time I will fill you in on our Paranormal Investigation at the barn!
Until next time
Frank....Sirs Human!
The more that I am around Sir and the other horses I am realizing that they are pretty damn smart.
I took Sir out of his paddock yesterday to groom him and to take him for some grazing time.
He walked out of the paddock and gave me the half turn that I always ask for. I locked the gate and started walking with him. We had to walk past my car and Sir guided me over to the rear drivers side door and stood there staring through the window. No he wasn't admiring himself in the reflection of the window. He was waiting for me to open the door and give him his favorite treats. So I opened the door and gave him some treats.
Now is that smart or what?!!???!!?? This was not due to repetitive actions. I did this with him maybe twice before. But in that 2 times he learned.
There are so many other examples of how smart horses are like; knowing their names, coming when called, not coming when another horse is called. And so many more.
So my point here is when people refer to horses as dumb animals, stupid horses, etc. they are either not teaching their horses or they are blind to what is really happening.
If you have additional examples of why you think horses are not dumb or stupid post a comment here. This blog is read by many people all over the US and the world! So lets educate them!
Next time I will fill you in on our Paranormal Investigation at the barn!
Until next time
Frank....Sirs Human!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Great family weekend!
Hi again
What a weekend! I was asked to officiate the renewal of vows for my neighbors/friends. I was honored and I think that it went well. Our Grandson Jack went with us and then spent the night. There is no greater feeling than when you are sleeping and the little one cuddles with you. He reminds me so much of my son, his father. We are blessed to have him.
Sunday I went out to the barn a bit later than usual. And a new program was taking place. I really can't elaborate too much until I am given the go ahead. All I can say is that the horses are being utilized to help Veterans with PTSD.
And Sir was one of the horses chosen to assist, He is such a gentle soul. Everyone who meets him instantly finds a connection with him.
He has such a calming energy. Hey he saved me ;U)
After the program was completed I went into his paddock to say hi. His back was turned towards me and he was eating. True to form I called to him and he raised his head and turned to face me. Ear up.eyes wide open, and neck straight as an arrow. God I love him!
I walked up to him and he placed his head in my hands and welcomed my petting. I hung with him for awhile and turned to leave and he walked right beside me rubbing his face on my shoulder.
No way could I leave him then! LOL. I put the halter on him and took him out for a walk and some grazing time. I find these times with him the most satisfying.
We are alone and I can empty my heart and soul without fear of criticism or judgement. I let it all out and he just listens. ( I would shit my pants if he answered me)
But in some ways he does answer me. Those of you who "get it" will understand.
Later on in the day I was excited that my wife Lynn, Daughter in-law Ilana, and Daughter Alison came out with my two Grandsons Nathaniel and Jack.
I took Sir out to get him ready to tack up and Jack was so excited. He kept asking if he could ride him. He was asking questions as I groomed Sir and seemed very interested.
I took Sir to the round pen and all were given rides. Jackie held on to the saddle horn for dear life. But for a 3 year old he did well. Nathaniel had no issues with it. He sat straight and enjoyed the ride. The adults enjoyed their rides as well.
But no one was happier than me.
Afterwards I took everyone out to an Italian restaurant. The food was great, but the desert was even better.
Until next time!
Sir's Human
What a weekend! I was asked to officiate the renewal of vows for my neighbors/friends. I was honored and I think that it went well. Our Grandson Jack went with us and then spent the night. There is no greater feeling than when you are sleeping and the little one cuddles with you. He reminds me so much of my son, his father. We are blessed to have him.
Sunday I went out to the barn a bit later than usual. And a new program was taking place. I really can't elaborate too much until I am given the go ahead. All I can say is that the horses are being utilized to help Veterans with PTSD.
And Sir was one of the horses chosen to assist, He is such a gentle soul. Everyone who meets him instantly finds a connection with him.
He has such a calming energy. Hey he saved me ;U)
After the program was completed I went into his paddock to say hi. His back was turned towards me and he was eating. True to form I called to him and he raised his head and turned to face me. Ear up.eyes wide open, and neck straight as an arrow. God I love him!
I walked up to him and he placed his head in my hands and welcomed my petting. I hung with him for awhile and turned to leave and he walked right beside me rubbing his face on my shoulder.
No way could I leave him then! LOL. I put the halter on him and took him out for a walk and some grazing time. I find these times with him the most satisfying.
We are alone and I can empty my heart and soul without fear of criticism or judgement. I let it all out and he just listens. ( I would shit my pants if he answered me)
But in some ways he does answer me. Those of you who "get it" will understand.
Later on in the day I was excited that my wife Lynn, Daughter in-law Ilana, and Daughter Alison came out with my two Grandsons Nathaniel and Jack.
I took Sir out to get him ready to tack up and Jack was so excited. He kept asking if he could ride him. He was asking questions as I groomed Sir and seemed very interested.
I took Sir to the round pen and all were given rides. Jackie held on to the saddle horn for dear life. But for a 3 year old he did well. Nathaniel had no issues with it. He sat straight and enjoyed the ride. The adults enjoyed their rides as well.
But no one was happier than me.
Afterwards I took everyone out to an Italian restaurant. The food was great, but the desert was even better.
Until next time!
Sir's Human
Monday, October 19, 2015
This past weekend things changed
Last week was rough in the missing my Son department. I guess the temperature change, Halloween on the horizon (one of his favorite holidays), and next month being the 2 year anniversary of his passing over to the other side of life had a lot to do with it.
My wife has also been struggling and I try my best to ease that sorrow and heart pain. But there is nothing I can do or say to accomplish that. I just do my best to support her.
I guess I hide it well. Put on the happy face, spurt my corny jokes, and just put on the look that all is well with Frank. But it wasn't really and isn't really. I wanted to roll up in a ball and disappear. Detach from everyone and everything. I felt alone in a crowd. It was a battle to engage people.
I tried to find comfort in watching the Mets and Jets win. I enjoyed it but that too is a strong reminder of the bond that Frankie and I had.
So if I seem aloof at times or preoccupied I apologize. I am just struggling a little more lately than I do usually.
A bright spot this weekend was the visit to the rescue by Lynn's cousins Brenda and Delores.
Brenda donated stuff to the rescue and brought me a saddle and pads and a grooming kit for Sir.
And the best part of that is the saddle fits him and it allows me to ride him more often.
I need to get a bit, reigns, headstall, etc. But I can borrow Laurel's in the interim.
Thanks again Brenda!
This certainly brought Sir and I to another level for sure. I still have a lot to learn and I am hopeful that Laurel can find the time to help me. Don't get me wrong, I can ride, I just need some pointers on how to recognize and deal with certain behaviors.
I hope that this week is better than last.....for Lynn as well as for me.
In the end I still have my boy Sir and my friends at the barn, They are always so helpful and supportive, Sir has a stiff neck that is restricting his ability to turn his head, Brenda noticed it when she was there on Saturday.
All I needed to do was mention it to my friend and fellow volunteer Marissa and she got right to it.
She is a certified Equine Massage Therapist. She did a massage on Sir and all the while explained what she was doing and why. Though it was basic she had NO problem explaining things step by step as she massaged his body.
These are the kinds of people that I am fortunate to be associated with at the rescue.
Sir as usual provided much relief and joy for me. He always knows. He is my friend and loves me unconditionally. For that and him I am grateful.
Until next time
Sir's Human
My wife has also been struggling and I try my best to ease that sorrow and heart pain. But there is nothing I can do or say to accomplish that. I just do my best to support her.
I guess I hide it well. Put on the happy face, spurt my corny jokes, and just put on the look that all is well with Frank. But it wasn't really and isn't really. I wanted to roll up in a ball and disappear. Detach from everyone and everything. I felt alone in a crowd. It was a battle to engage people.
I tried to find comfort in watching the Mets and Jets win. I enjoyed it but that too is a strong reminder of the bond that Frankie and I had.
So if I seem aloof at times or preoccupied I apologize. I am just struggling a little more lately than I do usually.
A bright spot this weekend was the visit to the rescue by Lynn's cousins Brenda and Delores.
Brenda donated stuff to the rescue and brought me a saddle and pads and a grooming kit for Sir.
And the best part of that is the saddle fits him and it allows me to ride him more often.
I need to get a bit, reigns, headstall, etc. But I can borrow Laurel's in the interim.
Thanks again Brenda!
This certainly brought Sir and I to another level for sure. I still have a lot to learn and I am hopeful that Laurel can find the time to help me. Don't get me wrong, I can ride, I just need some pointers on how to recognize and deal with certain behaviors.
I hope that this week is better than last.....for Lynn as well as for me.
In the end I still have my boy Sir and my friends at the barn, They are always so helpful and supportive, Sir has a stiff neck that is restricting his ability to turn his head, Brenda noticed it when she was there on Saturday.
All I needed to do was mention it to my friend and fellow volunteer Marissa and she got right to it.
She is a certified Equine Massage Therapist. She did a massage on Sir and all the while explained what she was doing and why. Though it was basic she had NO problem explaining things step by step as she massaged his body.
These are the kinds of people that I am fortunate to be associated with at the rescue.
Sir as usual provided much relief and joy for me. He always knows. He is my friend and loves me unconditionally. For that and him I am grateful.
Until next time
Sir's Human
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Pony ride weekend
I went out to the farm last Saturday to help with the pony rides. I arrived around 8 AM and helped with whatever I could to get ready. Pete showed up and we turned out Sir and his horse Bullet in the large field at the front of the farm to graze.
Bullet took off....well like a Bullet. He showed his enjoyment by running, jumping, and bucking. He ran around in circles at full speed. He showed his true thoroughbred style. It was awesome to see. There were even cars pulling over to watch. You could see the pride in Pete's face.
Laurel eventually asked that we turn out their paddock mates Copper and Black and we did.
Marissa, Gina,and I took Janet into the barn for pre-saddle grooming. Janet loved it! 3 brushes going at the same time....she was in heaven.
We brought her out to the pony ride area and waited. The traffic in the street increased and so did our line for rides. And as usual, Janet did great! Come ride the worlds largest pony LOL.
I understand that Sunday the rides were booming!
When it was quitting we went back to the barn and hung out for a while. Laurel passed out some cold Stella beers and it washed the dryness and the day's dust out of my throat.
It was what the doctor ordered! LOL
I went to see Sir before I left. I leaned on the fence rail and watched my big boy eating his hay. I called to him and asked if he wanted to say goodbye. He raised his head and strolled over to where I was. He placed his big head in my hands and I stroked his neck and nose. He looked at me while I was talking to him as if he understood the words I was saying. When I would turn to walk away he put his chin on the top rail and stared me down.
I remembered that I had some treats in my car and shared them with him and his herd and Mack and Janet LOL.
Copper eventually pushed Sir out of the way and I decided it was time for me to head home.
Usually when I leave I miss him. But this time was different. It felt like he and I had a stronger bond...a stronger connection.
I am so looking forward to going back out there this Saturday to see him and to assist with the pony rides.
I am so very grateful for NSHR and for Sir!
I hope to see you this Saturday or Sunday at one of the pony ride days!
Till next time!
Sir's Human
Bullet took off....well like a Bullet. He showed his enjoyment by running, jumping, and bucking. He ran around in circles at full speed. He showed his true thoroughbred style. It was awesome to see. There were even cars pulling over to watch. You could see the pride in Pete's face.
Laurel eventually asked that we turn out their paddock mates Copper and Black and we did.
Marissa, Gina,and I took Janet into the barn for pre-saddle grooming. Janet loved it! 3 brushes going at the same time....she was in heaven.
We brought her out to the pony ride area and waited. The traffic in the street increased and so did our line for rides. And as usual, Janet did great! Come ride the worlds largest pony LOL.
I understand that Sunday the rides were booming!
When it was quitting we went back to the barn and hung out for a while. Laurel passed out some cold Stella beers and it washed the dryness and the day's dust out of my throat.
It was what the doctor ordered! LOL
I went to see Sir before I left. I leaned on the fence rail and watched my big boy eating his hay. I called to him and asked if he wanted to say goodbye. He raised his head and strolled over to where I was. He placed his big head in my hands and I stroked his neck and nose. He looked at me while I was talking to him as if he understood the words I was saying. When I would turn to walk away he put his chin on the top rail and stared me down.
I remembered that I had some treats in my car and shared them with him and his herd and Mack and Janet LOL.
Copper eventually pushed Sir out of the way and I decided it was time for me to head home.
Usually when I leave I miss him. But this time was different. It felt like he and I had a stronger bond...a stronger connection.
I am so looking forward to going back out there this Saturday to see him and to assist with the pony rides.
I am so very grateful for NSHR and for Sir!
I hope to see you this Saturday or Sunday at one of the pony ride days!
Till next time!
Sir's Human
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Cold,windy,and Rainy...but who cared
Hi all
I arrived at the farm around 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. The weather was typical of the
Nor-Easter that was upon Long Island. The wind was whipping and at times the rain was heavy and coming down sideways. The temperature was in the 50's and it made for a cold damp day,
The paddocks were a muddy mess to say the least and I was thankful that I had brought my rubber boots.
When I rolled the barn door open I saw that most of the horses were in.....including Sir. He was busy eating his hay but when he heard my voice he lifted his head and came over to say hello. We did the obligatory "I rub your head and cheeks and you rub my shoulder with your head" greeting. Then he went back to eating his hay and looking over at me every once in awhile.
I helped Tommy distribute the buckets and then I helped with the mucking of the stalls. Of course starting with Sir's. And of course he did what he usually does when I am hanging with him in the paddock. Nudging me and demanding my attention LOL. And of course I surrendered.
I continued with the other stalls and also filling water buckets, Then a wedding party arrived to take pictures. This was to occur outside originally but with the weather it was moved inside. So for 2 hours we were put on hold while they shot their pics and videos.
However, it was rewarding at the same time. You could see the mutual enjoyment of us humans and the horses. We were hanging out...four leggeds and two leggeds.
At one point I was talking to Louise and Laurel and was leaning on a tack box, Simba the cat jumped up and laid down in the crook of my arms with his front legs resting on my arm. And Sambuca was resting his head on my shoulder. I can't describe the feeling that I was great!
It's moments like this that really make me shake my head when I think about how horrible some of these tender loving horses were abused, How can humans be so heartless.
Thank God for rescues like NSHR. These horses will live the rest of their lives safe, sound, and happy!
Till next time,,,,,,
Sir's human
I arrived at the farm around 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. The weather was typical of the
Nor-Easter that was upon Long Island. The wind was whipping and at times the rain was heavy and coming down sideways. The temperature was in the 50's and it made for a cold damp day,
The paddocks were a muddy mess to say the least and I was thankful that I had brought my rubber boots.
When I rolled the barn door open I saw that most of the horses were in.....including Sir. He was busy eating his hay but when he heard my voice he lifted his head and came over to say hello. We did the obligatory "I rub your head and cheeks and you rub my shoulder with your head" greeting. Then he went back to eating his hay and looking over at me every once in awhile.
I helped Tommy distribute the buckets and then I helped with the mucking of the stalls. Of course starting with Sir's. And of course he did what he usually does when I am hanging with him in the paddock. Nudging me and demanding my attention LOL. And of course I surrendered.
I continued with the other stalls and also filling water buckets, Then a wedding party arrived to take pictures. This was to occur outside originally but with the weather it was moved inside. So for 2 hours we were put on hold while they shot their pics and videos.
However, it was rewarding at the same time. You could see the mutual enjoyment of us humans and the horses. We were hanging out...four leggeds and two leggeds.
At one point I was talking to Louise and Laurel and was leaning on a tack box, Simba the cat jumped up and laid down in the crook of my arms with his front legs resting on my arm. And Sambuca was resting his head on my shoulder. I can't describe the feeling that I was great!
It's moments like this that really make me shake my head when I think about how horrible some of these tender loving horses were abused, How can humans be so heartless.
Thank God for rescues like NSHR. These horses will live the rest of their lives safe, sound, and happy!
Till next time,,,,,,
Sir's human
Friday, October 2, 2015
Best of Long Island......Please vote
Hi all
The North Shore Horse Rescue has been nominated to win the Best Long Island Animal Rescue. We need you to vote! If you believe in what we are doing please cast a vote.
You can find us under the Pets category and sub category Animal Rescue.
Vote often.....we would REALLY appreciate your support.
Click Here -----> Best of.Long Island Press VOTE
Sir's Human
The North Shore Horse Rescue has been nominated to win the Best Long Island Animal Rescue. We need you to vote! If you believe in what we are doing please cast a vote.
You can find us under the Pets category and sub category Animal Rescue.
Vote often.....we would REALLY appreciate your support.
Click Here -----> Best of.Long Island Press VOTE
Sir's Human
Long time no write
Hi all
Has it really been that long since I last posted??
Life has been busy to say the least. We moved to a new location at my job. And traffic has been crappy and I have been getting home late. Too tired to post.
I saw my boy Sir last week....not much that I could do because I have been nursing a bum knee for a couple of weeks. It's finally 95%.
But I did get to groom him and took him to graze. Elizabeth had Black out and we turned them out in the big paddock at the front of the farm. They seemed to enjoy it.
Elizabeth and I talked about Past Life regressions, meditation, psychic readings, etc. It was nice.
WE decided that I would host meditation workshops and group regression sessions and the donations would go to the rescue....
The rescue was to begin pony rides this coming weekend. But unfortunately the rain has forced us to cancel it for this weekend. Hopefully the weather will improve for next weekend and the weekends remaining in October.
I'm going to head out tomorrow and help feed and spend some time with Sir! After a long week at work and REALLY missing my son, this is just what the doctor ordered!
Sir's Human
Has it really been that long since I last posted??
Life has been busy to say the least. We moved to a new location at my job. And traffic has been crappy and I have been getting home late. Too tired to post.
I saw my boy Sir last week....not much that I could do because I have been nursing a bum knee for a couple of weeks. It's finally 95%.
But I did get to groom him and took him to graze. Elizabeth had Black out and we turned them out in the big paddock at the front of the farm. They seemed to enjoy it.
Elizabeth and I talked about Past Life regressions, meditation, psychic readings, etc. It was nice.
WE decided that I would host meditation workshops and group regression sessions and the donations would go to the rescue....
The rescue was to begin pony rides this coming weekend. But unfortunately the rain has forced us to cancel it for this weekend. Hopefully the weather will improve for next weekend and the weekends remaining in October.
I'm going to head out tomorrow and help feed and spend some time with Sir! After a long week at work and REALLY missing my son, this is just what the doctor ordered!
Sir's Human
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Pony Rides coming in October!
Hi all
I was told today that every weekend in October NSHR will be offering pony rides to kids and adults alike!
If you are lucky you may get to ride the world's largest pony....Janet! (she is actually a draft horse)
Come on out and support the rescue. Take a tour of the farm and visit the various horses.
I will be there most weekends...and Sir will be there every weekend! Come on out and see us!
Hope to see you there!
Sir's Human
I was told today that every weekend in October NSHR will be offering pony rides to kids and adults alike!
If you are lucky you may get to ride the world's largest pony....Janet! (she is actually a draft horse)
Come on out and support the rescue. Take a tour of the farm and visit the various horses.
I will be there most weekends...and Sir will be there every weekend! Come on out and see us!
Hope to see you there!
Sir's Human
Friday, September 18, 2015
Please Comment
Hi All
Please feel free to comment on any of my would be nice to see that people are reading these and what you think about it................
Frank.... Sir's Human
Please feel free to comment on any of my would be nice to see that people are reading these and what you think about it................
Frank.... Sir's Human
Please write a review
Dear Friend,
If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2015 Top-Rated Awards. Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Go to to get started!
We need 6 more to qualify!
Sir's Human
If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2015 Top-Rated Awards. Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Go to to get started!
We need 6 more to qualify!
Sir's Human
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Please help
Dear Friends & Readers,
If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2015 Top-Rated Awards. Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Go to to get started!
Leave a Review
Frank...Sir's Human
If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2015 Top-Rated Awards. Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Go to to get started!
Leave a Review
Frank...Sir's Human
Please Donate
Just a friendly reminder to please consider donating to the NSHRS. Even though we have had a few good fund raisers it is still NOT enough.
Just follow this link; Donate
I will gather some stats for you all so you can see what it takes to maintain the proper upkeep of a horse......
Thanks All!
Frank....Sir's Human
Just follow this link; Donate
I will gather some stats for you all so you can see what it takes to maintain the proper upkeep of a horse......
Thanks All!
Frank....Sir's Human
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Pony Rides for all!!!
This past Saturday we loaded up Tate, Beauty, Sambuca, and Janet and headed out to the Hallockville Fall Festival.
Laurel, Emma, Karen and I unloaded the horses and the various other items. The horses were put in their temporary lodging and Janet was saddled and ready to go.
The flow of people was steady: all shapes and sizes; big kids, little kids, and adults, all came to ride.
The look on some of their faces when they saw how big Janet is was hilarious.
You really cannot tell from this picture just how big she is. She is a Draft horse...a gentle giant.
I started kidding people telling them that they were riding the "World's Largest Pony"! They laughed and we had fun with it.
It was nice to know that we also helped some people overcome their fear of getting up on her.
One young boy broke into song as Laurel was walking Janet around. Arms outstretched, head back, he was singing, I believe I can fly.....I believe I can touch the sky......aside from that he was giggling and saying how happy he was, and that he could do it forever! His voice was filled with joy!
Then there was the lady who was hesitant...had ridden once before a long time ago, but had a bad experience because she was put on a horse that was not suited for a beginner, The horse took off on her,running across a highway.
I assured her that Janet was safe and told her that if it didn't feel right I would give her money back. She thought about it for a minute and then agreed, She really seemed to enjoy it!
There were many others as well. I just love working with the public. I told people that Janet was named after Janet Jackson and to watch because she sometimes does the moon walk! We all got a good laugh about that as well.
The time came to break down and load up. We were all exhausted, Karen spent the entire day baking in the sun talking to people about Beauty, Tate, and her horse Sambuca. She is a trooper!
We had a bit of a problem getting Beauty to board the trailer but eventually he just walked right in.
Janet got on her trailer and then off. So Laurel told me that once she had her on again I was to raise the back ramp/door. Okay,....aside from the door being heavy and not raising smoothly, this seemed easy enough. Ya think??!!!!???!!??? LOL
Janet got in the trailer, so I bent over to raise the door...and as I was doing that she decided to back out. I saw her coming, so I crouched down, moved slightly to my right and she bumped into my left shoulder....and stopped. Meanwhile at the other end of Janet's lead line Laurel was conjuring up every ounce of strength that she had left and held on tight trying to save me. The veins in her neck and head were bulging....her eyes were popping out of her sockets.....her muscles were taught and rippling....But she never dropped her golden lasso...
Laurel, Emma, Karen and I unloaded the horses and the various other items. The horses were put in their temporary lodging and Janet was saddled and ready to go.
The flow of people was steady: all shapes and sizes; big kids, little kids, and adults, all came to ride.
The look on some of their faces when they saw how big Janet is was hilarious.
You really cannot tell from this picture just how big she is. She is a Draft horse...a gentle giant.
I started kidding people telling them that they were riding the "World's Largest Pony"! They laughed and we had fun with it.
It was nice to know that we also helped some people overcome their fear of getting up on her.
One young boy broke into song as Laurel was walking Janet around. Arms outstretched, head back, he was singing, I believe I can fly.....I believe I can touch the sky......aside from that he was giggling and saying how happy he was, and that he could do it forever! His voice was filled with joy!
Then there was the lady who was hesitant...had ridden once before a long time ago, but had a bad experience because she was put on a horse that was not suited for a beginner, The horse took off on her,running across a highway.
I assured her that Janet was safe and told her that if it didn't feel right I would give her money back. She thought about it for a minute and then agreed, She really seemed to enjoy it!
There were many others as well. I just love working with the public. I told people that Janet was named after Janet Jackson and to watch because she sometimes does the moon walk! We all got a good laugh about that as well.
The time came to break down and load up. We were all exhausted, Karen spent the entire day baking in the sun talking to people about Beauty, Tate, and her horse Sambuca. She is a trooper!
We had a bit of a problem getting Beauty to board the trailer but eventually he just walked right in.
Janet got on her trailer and then off. So Laurel told me that once she had her on again I was to raise the back ramp/door. Okay,....aside from the door being heavy and not raising smoothly, this seemed easy enough. Ya think??!!!!???!!??? LOL
Janet got in the trailer, so I bent over to raise the door...and as I was doing that she decided to back out. I saw her coming, so I crouched down, moved slightly to my right and she bumped into my left shoulder....and stopped. Meanwhile at the other end of Janet's lead line Laurel was conjuring up every ounce of strength that she had left and held on tight trying to save me. The veins in her neck and head were bulging....her eyes were popping out of her sockets.....her muscles were taught and rippling....But she never dropped her golden lasso...
LOL...all joking aside...she feared the worse and rightfully so.... but it was all good.
We had a blast and I look forward to the next event...I am hearing rumblings about a Chili Cookoff...
Maybe I will sell Gas-X......corner the market???
Until next time!!
Frank...Sir's Human
Monday, September 14, 2015
The Minnies
Hi All
It's been a while since I posted. Life has been busy to say the least.
A few weeks ago we rescued two Minnies.
Their names are Little Boy (on the left) and Red (on the right).
When they arrived they were very shy and somewhat scared. And through the work of the volunteers they are becoming more social.
They have really captured the hearts of fellow volunteer Nicole and her two daughters.
They are very patient and caring individuals and it shows with these miniature horses.
They have really broken through most of the barriers.
So yesterday Nicole and her daughter Ashley came out to hang with the little guys. Nicole had to use some ingenuity to get the lead ropes on them. So.....she hid the leads under her blouse out of sight and ran the line down her sleeve.....unable to see the rope, they were easily hooked up!
Smart girl Nicole!!! There is more than one way to catch a Minnie! LOL
It's been a while since I posted. Life has been busy to say the least.
A few weeks ago we rescued two Minnies.
Their names are Little Boy (on the left) and Red (on the right).
When they arrived they were very shy and somewhat scared. And through the work of the volunteers they are becoming more social.
They have really captured the hearts of fellow volunteer Nicole and her two daughters.
They are very patient and caring individuals and it shows with these miniature horses.
They have really broken through most of the barriers.
Smart girl Nicole!!! There is more than one way to catch a Minnie! LOL
Monday, September 7, 2015
Great Yard Sale
Well the Labor Day Weekend is coming to a close. The Horse Gods were with us this past Friday and Saturday! The weather was awesome and the crowds were huge!
I want to thank my friends and family for making the trip out to visit and contribute! I got to introduce Sir to a bunch of people as well as the other horses.
Lot's of stuff was sold and money was raised! People even donated via the internet...a big thanks to you as well!
My fellow volunteers busted their butts! But we all had fun.
Thanks for making a difference!
There are some awesome events planned for the future...stay tuned for more info....
Frank...Sir's Human
I want to thank my friends and family for making the trip out to visit and contribute! I got to introduce Sir to a bunch of people as well as the other horses.
Lot's of stuff was sold and money was raised! People even donated via the internet...a big thanks to you as well!
My fellow volunteers busted their butts! But we all had fun.
Thanks for making a difference!
There are some awesome events planned for the future...stay tuned for more info....
Frank...Sir's Human
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Horse needs a home...Pronto
Can any of our readers help?
17 year old Morgan. Great with people, loves to be ridden. Great for vet, farrier and on cross ties... Located: Long Island, New York
Must find home by end of month
Thanks for looking
Sir's Human
Don't Forget the Yard Sale this Friday and Saturday
Hi All
Just a friendly reminder that the yard sale is happening this Friday and Saturday. I understand that aside from all the GREAT stuff for sale there will be a raffle with some pretty nice prizes. And hot dogs and refreshments will also be available.
Come on out and meet ME ;>P I will be there Friday and Saturday....and If you want I will take you to meet the real star of this blog.....SIR! And the stars of the rescue.....the Horses!
See you there!
Sir's Human
Just a friendly reminder that the yard sale is happening this Friday and Saturday. I understand that aside from all the GREAT stuff for sale there will be a raffle with some pretty nice prizes. And hot dogs and refreshments will also be available.
Come on out and meet ME ;>P I will be there Friday and Saturday....and If you want I will take you to meet the real star of this blog.....SIR! And the stars of the rescue.....the Horses!
See you there!
Sir's Human
Thursday, August 27, 2015
New additions!! word from Laurel last night that there are two new Minis..Red and Little Boy. They are a bit scared and Laurel will be working with them to gain their confidence and trust. I will post pictures and info when I get it!
Welcome aboard little ones ;>)
Here are the pics as promised!
Welcome aboard little ones ;>)
Here are the pics as promised!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
What an audience!
I just checked the stats for the blog and I am happy to say that there have been 667 to date...and an audience that stretches from the United States including Alaska, Ireland, the U.K., South Africa,Romania, and Switzerland! Welcome to all who follow.... Sir and I and the North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary thank you!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
A day of reflection, sadness, and thanks
Here I sit approximately 400 miles from home. Outside my window is a beautiful view of a lake and a priceless sunset. And yet I am somewhat sad.
Today was an emotional roller coaster for me as I thought about my son. He is with me here and everywhere. But I need to feel his hugeness,,,he was 6 feet 4 inches tall and gave the best hugs. He constantly showed me how much he loved his mother and I. And since his passage to the other side of life that is missing.
Since I became a part of the grieving parents guild I had heard that my address book would change. Meaning that some of the people who you thought were closest to you fade away and some of the people who you thought were not close become even closer.
Now don't get me wrong, I am fortunate to have such wonderful support from our family and most of our friends. These are the ones that realize that the wound is still fresh and that this will never go will always linger just below the surface...lying in wait for some reminder to allow it to break through the surface and sting again.
In Sir I have found such immense comfort. Yes he is not my son, but he has given me happiness. I love him...not ashamed to admit it. And I feel that he loves me too. I am his human and he is my horse! He is big and strong yet docile and loving in his own way. The feeling I get when he comes when called and even when he is not is indescribable. He sees me and walks over. When he rests his head on my shoulder and leans against me with just enough pressure to let me know that he wants to be with me and close.
As a bonus, I am grateful for North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary's humans.
There is Tom and Laurel who own it and do such wonderful work for the horses. The personal sacrifices that they make are unbelievable. They have welcomed me from the start of my joining them as a volunteer. They are caring and loving people. They have treated me like family and have welcomed me with open arms. I can honestly say that I would do anything for them. They understand my grief and have answered my prayers with Sir.
Then there is Sue the Volunteer Coordinator, Beth who is now the Treasurer, but was the Volunteer Coordinator who first invited me out and supported me all along. The boarders, Pete, Patricia, & Rosemarie...who took the time to listen and who have also become friends of mine. And of course my fellow volunteers, Kale, Nicole, Elizabeth and her daughter Erika, Tammy, Louise and others who make me feel at home and who share my passion for the horses.
As you can see NSHRS is a sanctuary for Horses and Humans alike. That is why I will do whatever I can to raise money and awareness to ensure that it carries on.........
Today was an emotional roller coaster for me as I thought about my son. He is with me here and everywhere. But I need to feel his hugeness,,,he was 6 feet 4 inches tall and gave the best hugs. He constantly showed me how much he loved his mother and I. And since his passage to the other side of life that is missing.
Since I became a part of the grieving parents guild I had heard that my address book would change. Meaning that some of the people who you thought were closest to you fade away and some of the people who you thought were not close become even closer.
Now don't get me wrong, I am fortunate to have such wonderful support from our family and most of our friends. These are the ones that realize that the wound is still fresh and that this will never go will always linger just below the surface...lying in wait for some reminder to allow it to break through the surface and sting again.
In Sir I have found such immense comfort. Yes he is not my son, but he has given me happiness. I love him...not ashamed to admit it. And I feel that he loves me too. I am his human and he is my horse! He is big and strong yet docile and loving in his own way. The feeling I get when he comes when called and even when he is not is indescribable. He sees me and walks over. When he rests his head on my shoulder and leans against me with just enough pressure to let me know that he wants to be with me and close.
As a bonus, I am grateful for North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary's humans.
There is Tom and Laurel who own it and do such wonderful work for the horses. The personal sacrifices that they make are unbelievable. They have welcomed me from the start of my joining them as a volunteer. They are caring and loving people. They have treated me like family and have welcomed me with open arms. I can honestly say that I would do anything for them. They understand my grief and have answered my prayers with Sir.
Then there is Sue the Volunteer Coordinator, Beth who is now the Treasurer, but was the Volunteer Coordinator who first invited me out and supported me all along. The boarders, Pete, Patricia, & Rosemarie...who took the time to listen and who have also become friends of mine. And of course my fellow volunteers, Kale, Nicole, Elizabeth and her daughter Erika, Tammy, Louise and others who make me feel at home and who share my passion for the horses.
As you can see NSHRS is a sanctuary for Horses and Humans alike. That is why I will do whatever I can to raise money and awareness to ensure that it carries on.........
Exciting Events coming up
I was invited to attend the meeting of the board of directors of the rescue last Friday night and I attended. I was able to present most of my event ideas and was made to feel very welcome.
Some of the ideas that I presented were:
A Civil War Reenactment, A Civil War Ball, Pictures with Sanat....just to name a few.
2016 is stacking up to be a good year!
Some of the ideas that I presented were:
A Civil War Reenactment, A Civil War Ball, Pictures with Sanat....just to name a few.
2016 is stacking up to be a good year!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Heard in the Herd
Last Sunday evening, August 16, a small group of us, about 25 or so, gathered in the large grazing field for a unique meditation. The meditation was led by it's creator Louise A.
We sat on hay bales that were formed into a large horseshoe. I'm not sure if that was intentional or it just happened. But you know what they say about coincidences.....
With the sun setting in the background and a cool summer breeze blowing, Louise introduced herself and gave a brief explanation of what would take place. A couple of other speakers shared their experiences and enlightened us with their words.
The sage bundle was lit and the sacred cleansing smoke was carried on the breeze across the field as Louise smudged and blessed us all with the sacred smoke.
The tapping began and the meditation as well as Jack, one of the resident dogs who I feel is the ambassador of the rescue, entertained us with his rolling on the ground in the center of the circle and his brief visits with each of us in the circle. He is awesome.
As the group sat and and concentrated their energies, Laurel, Tom, and I, went to escort the 4 horses into the field. They were Black, Bullet, Copper, and Sir.
We removed their halters and set them free in the field. You could see their reaction to the energy that was created in the circle. They herded together, all four, closely intertwined...for a minute or so....It seemed that as soon as they were in tune with the group's energy they relaxed and moved to the other end of the field.
Darkness soon fell and the group of people slowly rose to their feet and moved towards the horses. I introduced a few to Sir. And one in particular seemed to connect with him as she laid her hands on him. A flood of emotion came forth and she could not explain where it was coming from or why.
The truth is, it didn't matter....just let it flow.
Afterwards we all retired to the round pen where we enjoyed snacks and refreshments. It was nice to hear the different stories and the laughter. More importantly it was nice to make new friends and enjoy the old as commune with people of like minds.
I was blessed to have seen a couple of shooting stars as well....
We sat on hay bales that were formed into a large horseshoe. I'm not sure if that was intentional or it just happened. But you know what they say about coincidences.....
With the sun setting in the background and a cool summer breeze blowing, Louise introduced herself and gave a brief explanation of what would take place. A couple of other speakers shared their experiences and enlightened us with their words.
The sage bundle was lit and the sacred cleansing smoke was carried on the breeze across the field as Louise smudged and blessed us all with the sacred smoke.
The tapping began and the meditation as well as Jack, one of the resident dogs who I feel is the ambassador of the rescue, entertained us with his rolling on the ground in the center of the circle and his brief visits with each of us in the circle. He is awesome.
As the group sat and and concentrated their energies, Laurel, Tom, and I, went to escort the 4 horses into the field. They were Black, Bullet, Copper, and Sir.
We removed their halters and set them free in the field. You could see their reaction to the energy that was created in the circle. They herded together, all four, closely intertwined...for a minute or so....It seemed that as soon as they were in tune with the group's energy they relaxed and moved to the other end of the field.
Darkness soon fell and the group of people slowly rose to their feet and moved towards the horses. I introduced a few to Sir. And one in particular seemed to connect with him as she laid her hands on him. A flood of emotion came forth and she could not explain where it was coming from or why.
The truth is, it didn't matter....just let it flow.
Afterwards we all retired to the round pen where we enjoyed snacks and refreshments. It was nice to hear the different stories and the laughter. More importantly it was nice to make new friends and enjoy the old as commune with people of like minds.
I was blessed to have seen a couple of shooting stars as well....
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
A little bit about Sir. (No Pun intended) ;>)
Sir is a registered Quarter horse and man is he BIG! When I stand by his side his back comes up to my chin and I am 6' 1" tall. They tell me that he is 16 or 17 hands....
All I know is that when I dismount I feel like I am jumping off a roof! It's a long way down.
From what I know Sir was not physically abused but just as bad or even worse, he was mal-nourished. Either way, abuse is abuse!
I plan to highlight the many horses at NSHRS. Some of the stories will shake you to your core and make you question just how cruel people can be.
I waited awhile to ride Sir. I wanted to build that bond with him, and I did. I tried my McClellan saddle on him and his withers are so high that it didn't fit. (this is my life....nothing easy LOL)
So Laurel, as usual, was once again accommodating and let me use her saddle and tack.
Once in the saddle I was in a dream. He responded so well to the reigns, my legs, my voice commands. It felt as though I had been riding him for years. The first time that I rode him was in the round pen. Just to get used to each other.
The second time was started in the round pen and then we ventured out onto the property, Yes he tried to be boss and test me...but I wasn't having it and he soon realized that and we fell into sync.
The only issue was that he teeth needed to be floated and the bit was uncomfortable. So realizing that I got off of him and let him be.
All I know is that when I dismount I feel like I am jumping off a roof! It's a long way down.
From what I know Sir was not physically abused but just as bad or even worse, he was mal-nourished. Either way, abuse is abuse!
I plan to highlight the many horses at NSHRS. Some of the stories will shake you to your core and make you question just how cruel people can be.
I waited awhile to ride Sir. I wanted to build that bond with him, and I did. I tried my McClellan saddle on him and his withers are so high that it didn't fit. (this is my life....nothing easy LOL)
So Laurel, as usual, was once again accommodating and let me use her saddle and tack.
Once in the saddle I was in a dream. He responded so well to the reigns, my legs, my voice commands. It felt as though I had been riding him for years. The first time that I rode him was in the round pen. Just to get used to each other.
The second time was started in the round pen and then we ventured out onto the property, Yes he tried to be boss and test me...but I wasn't having it and he soon realized that and we fell into sync.
The only issue was that he teeth needed to be floated and the bit was uncomfortable. So realizing that I got off of him and let him be.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
****September 4th & 5th 2015****
North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary
2330 Sound Ave
Baiting Hollow NY 11933
Will be holding a fund raising yard sale. Many items to choose from. Household items, art, etc.
All proceeds benefit the Rescued Horses!
Stop by on your way out east to the wineries or on your way back!
While there, take a walk around the farm and visit the horses....especially the Drafts....and if your heart feels it...make a donation to Mack's medication us to help this gentle giant fight his cancer! (he is making progress)
If you can't sop by please consider making a donation online by clicking below
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
onward thru time.
So the weeks passed by and I found myself missing Sir more and more. He began to recognize me when I pulled into the property or walked up to the paddock. His ears would go up and his eyes would open wide as he craned his neck to watch me.
I found myself spending more time at the rescue as well.
It went from Saturday, to Saturday & Sunday, then Saturday, Sunday, and a night after work during the week.
Thank God for my wife Lynn. She is so understanding and patient and most of all encouraging!
She and others began mentioning to me that they noticed a good change in me. I felt it too. The people at the rescue also mentioned the change they saw in Sir as well. He was more confident, seemed happier.
So here we were, a man and a horse both dealing with something that took something away from us.
I started sponsoring Sir and tending to him specifically. As time passed he was comfortable with me grooming him. Even allowing me to lift his feet to pick his hooves. He has even started leaning on me as I do it. I swear that if I didn't know better he was breaking my balls! LOL
He will follow me with his head at my shoulder, without a lead line and comes to me when I call him.
One day I was petting and talking to my friend Pete's horse Bullet and Sir ran in between us and was nudging me. Jealous? Some people thought so. And honestly so did I LOL
I started learning how to prep the various feed buckets for the individual horses. Each have their own diets and supplements. This was concocted by Laurel. There is also a Holistic spin on some of them.
The horses know when it's feeding time. They all either stand by the fences or go to their feeding spot. Some go in the run ins, others go to the bucket hooks or the where the bucket is normally placed. It's amazing.
They all know their names and most will come when called. To think that some people think that these are dumb uncaring animals boggles my mind. Come spend a day with me out at the farm and I guarantee it will change your mind.
I found myself spending more time at the rescue as well.
It went from Saturday, to Saturday & Sunday, then Saturday, Sunday, and a night after work during the week.
Thank God for my wife Lynn. She is so understanding and patient and most of all encouraging!
She and others began mentioning to me that they noticed a good change in me. I felt it too. The people at the rescue also mentioned the change they saw in Sir as well. He was more confident, seemed happier.
So here we were, a man and a horse both dealing with something that took something away from us.
I started sponsoring Sir and tending to him specifically. As time passed he was comfortable with me grooming him. Even allowing me to lift his feet to pick his hooves. He has even started leaning on me as I do it. I swear that if I didn't know better he was breaking my balls! LOL
He will follow me with his head at my shoulder, without a lead line and comes to me when I call him.
One day I was petting and talking to my friend Pete's horse Bullet and Sir ran in between us and was nudging me. Jealous? Some people thought so. And honestly so did I LOL
I started learning how to prep the various feed buckets for the individual horses. Each have their own diets and supplements. This was concocted by Laurel. There is also a Holistic spin on some of them.
The horses know when it's feeding time. They all either stand by the fences or go to their feeding spot. Some go in the run ins, others go to the bucket hooks or the where the bucket is normally placed. It's amazing.
They all know their names and most will come when called. To think that some people think that these are dumb uncaring animals boggles my mind. Come spend a day with me out at the farm and I guarantee it will change your mind.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
First day continued
So the grooming commenced and Sir and I were feeling each other out. After grooming him I took him to graze in the back of the property. I was instructed to not allow it for more than 10-15 minutes due to the new grass could wind up upsetting his stomach.
So I followed the instruction and returned him to his paddock when the time was up.
I assisted with some other duties and kept hearing about Laurel. She is the founder and heartbeat of the organization. The driving force along with her husband Tom.
I kept hearing Sue tell people and myself when certain questions were asked that "you will have to ask Laurel".
Funny how your mind can manufacture what a person looks like or what a person is like based on comments, etc. The vision that I had in my head was of this older gray haired lady, maybe somewhat unapproachable. Why? Who the hell knows! I will leave that up to the therapists and CSW's., LOL
I eventually met Laurel's husband Tom. All bundled up and suffering from a bad flu or something. I tried several times to shake his hand but he refused in order to save me from the illness he was suffering with.
I can't remember exactly but I think I met the mystery woman Laurel the second time I went to the rescue. Was I correct in my assumption? Hell NO! ;-)
She was the nicest person and very welcoming! Far from old as well. (will not tell you her age cause it's just not what we men do! LOL)
She thanked me for being there and expressed that she had heard nice things about me. Which I was glad to hear. ;>)
We talked about my experience with horses and horses in general. The organization, etc.
I felt as if I had found a home......a new purpose and beginning.....
So I followed the instruction and returned him to his paddock when the time was up.
I assisted with some other duties and kept hearing about Laurel. She is the founder and heartbeat of the organization. The driving force along with her husband Tom.
I kept hearing Sue tell people and myself when certain questions were asked that "you will have to ask Laurel".
Funny how your mind can manufacture what a person looks like or what a person is like based on comments, etc. The vision that I had in my head was of this older gray haired lady, maybe somewhat unapproachable. Why? Who the hell knows! I will leave that up to the therapists and CSW's., LOL
I eventually met Laurel's husband Tom. All bundled up and suffering from a bad flu or something. I tried several times to shake his hand but he refused in order to save me from the illness he was suffering with.
I can't remember exactly but I think I met the mystery woman Laurel the second time I went to the rescue. Was I correct in my assumption? Hell NO! ;-)
She was the nicest person and very welcoming! Far from old as well. (will not tell you her age cause it's just not what we men do! LOL)
She thanked me for being there and expressed that she had heard nice things about me. Which I was glad to hear. ;>)
We talked about my experience with horses and horses in general. The organization, etc.
I felt as if I had found a home......a new purpose and beginning.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Volunteer Frank Ruiz Sr. Reporting for duty!
It must have been around the late April early May time frame of this year that I emailed the new volunteer coordinator, Sue J.
We exchanged several emails and she invited me to come out on a Saturday. So I accepted the invite and planned on it.
Now most people wouldn't know that I am sometimes reluctant to meet new people on my own. And I was hopeful that Lynn would have come with me but she had other plans. I hemmed an hawed about going. Saying how much I had to do around the house. But Lynn, my eternal supporter in this and other endeavors, told me to I did.
I got in my car and headed for the Long Island Expressway and parts unknown LOL
Ironically the exit for NSHR was the same as the exit for Kent Animal shelter. I followed the road all the way to Sound Ave and made a right and found my way onto the property eventually.
There were several people moving about doing chores. I was approached by a woman who asked if she could help me. And I said that I was looking for Sue. She extended her hand and with a great smile said "Hi, I'm Sue" I immediately felt the anxiety slip away.
She proceeded to take me on a tour of the farm and introduce me to the various horses. There were mini's, and draft, and quarter horses, etc. She kept reminding me to always be aware of them and not to lose focus. She also set me at ease bye reiterating that I would eventually get it.
She introduced me to Elizabeth and her daughter Erica, both volunteers. I paired up with Elizabeth and we mucked a paddock for awhile. Then Elizabeth asked if I wanted to help her groom a horse and I agreed.
This was my first encounter with Sir. He was in a paddock with 3 other horses. 2 of which made sure that he was aware that he was low horse on the totem pole. They constantly nipped at him and intimidated him. So he spent the majority of his time alone towards the back of the paddock.
Elizabeth walked him into the barn and cross tied him. As soon as I put my hand on him and began to brush him I felt a connection. I can't explain it, it just happened. She went and got another horse and left me to groom Sir. I did the best I could not having done it since I was a kid. But she was patient and helpful, and supportive.
Sue came by to check on us and she said that eventually I would connect with a horse and be it's caretaker. I immediately told her that already had made a connection. Surprised she asked who, and I told her Sir!
And so began my relationship with him.
We exchanged several emails and she invited me to come out on a Saturday. So I accepted the invite and planned on it.
Now most people wouldn't know that I am sometimes reluctant to meet new people on my own. And I was hopeful that Lynn would have come with me but she had other plans. I hemmed an hawed about going. Saying how much I had to do around the house. But Lynn, my eternal supporter in this and other endeavors, told me to I did.
I got in my car and headed for the Long Island Expressway and parts unknown LOL
Ironically the exit for NSHR was the same as the exit for Kent Animal shelter. I followed the road all the way to Sound Ave and made a right and found my way onto the property eventually.
There were several people moving about doing chores. I was approached by a woman who asked if she could help me. And I said that I was looking for Sue. She extended her hand and with a great smile said "Hi, I'm Sue" I immediately felt the anxiety slip away.
She proceeded to take me on a tour of the farm and introduce me to the various horses. There were mini's, and draft, and quarter horses, etc. She kept reminding me to always be aware of them and not to lose focus. She also set me at ease bye reiterating that I would eventually get it.
She introduced me to Elizabeth and her daughter Erica, both volunteers. I paired up with Elizabeth and we mucked a paddock for awhile. Then Elizabeth asked if I wanted to help her groom a horse and I agreed.
This was my first encounter with Sir. He was in a paddock with 3 other horses. 2 of which made sure that he was aware that he was low horse on the totem pole. They constantly nipped at him and intimidated him. So he spent the majority of his time alone towards the back of the paddock.
Elizabeth walked him into the barn and cross tied him. As soon as I put my hand on him and began to brush him I felt a connection. I can't explain it, it just happened. She went and got another horse and left me to groom Sir. I did the best I could not having done it since I was a kid. But she was patient and helpful, and supportive.
Sue came by to check on us and she said that eventually I would connect with a horse and be it's caretaker. I immediately told her that already had made a connection. Surprised she asked who, and I told her Sir!
And so began my relationship with him.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Back in the saddle
For the 145th Anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg my good friend Ron Palese elevated me to his Chief of Staff. This meant that I could ride, So along with others I rented a horse for the 4 day event. My horse was named Star. Not a bad horse, but somewhat herd bound. Our wrangler, Julie, rode along with me during the event.
I was a bit apprehensive, not knowing the horse and having not ridden in years.
But I climbed up on Star and away we went. It all came back to me as Star was spooked by a mule drawn wagon and began dancing around....I remembered, turn her head, turn her I did and she calmed down.
When I returned home my wife asked how I had done. I proudly responded that not too bad for not having ridden in 20 years! She quickly reminded me that it was more like 30+. LOL
So for as many events as I could I rented horses and was lucky enough to have good friends in the Cavalry wing that looked out for me. Ken Jansen, Patrick Stultz, Steve Reincke to name a few.
They made sure that the horse was properly saddled and tacked and gave me pointers on riding.
This was great, but too far between chances to ride and never knowing what horse I would be riding when I did.
My wife Lynn began volunteering at Kent Animal Shelter and after awhile I joined her. It was great, but not what I really wanted to do. Plus I wanted to take some of these dogs home with me.
Lynn calls me St. Francis and Dr. Doolittle :)
If I could afford it I would have a menagerie for sure.
I started searching the web for horse rescues on Long Island and most just didn't feel right to me. Some were restrictive in the interaction with the horses and I was looking to be involved, not just on the fringes.
So around April or May of 2013 I reached out to the Volunteer Coordinator at North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary. Beth immediately responded and advised me of the training schedule. But unfortunately every day that the training was held I had a conflict with either a Civil War event or a personal obligation. So I continued going to Kent and living life.
In November of 2013 tragedy struck as our only child Frank Jr. was taken from us. He had an asthma attack which closed his airway and resulted in cardiac arrest. Needless to say that this crushed my wife and I and many others. He left his fiancee and a 14 month old son, Jack.
Thank God for them, They eased the loss to some degree, along with others in our life.
After this it was hard for me to attend reenactments. My Son and I had done this together since he was 14. He passed over to the other side of life at the age of 31. You do the math :)
Throughout this time I kept in contact with Beth who was very supportive and even extended an open invitation for me to come out whenever I could.
So I put it out to the Universe, my desire to own and or be around horses. I knew that I couldn't afford the board for one so I figured if I volunteered I could be around them and learn, but more importantly do some good for them......little did I know that I would also be doing good for me......
I was a bit apprehensive, not knowing the horse and having not ridden in years.
But I climbed up on Star and away we went. It all came back to me as Star was spooked by a mule drawn wagon and began dancing around....I remembered, turn her head, turn her I did and she calmed down.
When I returned home my wife asked how I had done. I proudly responded that not too bad for not having ridden in 20 years! She quickly reminded me that it was more like 30+. LOL
So for as many events as I could I rented horses and was lucky enough to have good friends in the Cavalry wing that looked out for me. Ken Jansen, Patrick Stultz, Steve Reincke to name a few.
They made sure that the horse was properly saddled and tacked and gave me pointers on riding.
This was great, but too far between chances to ride and never knowing what horse I would be riding when I did.
My wife Lynn began volunteering at Kent Animal Shelter and after awhile I joined her. It was great, but not what I really wanted to do. Plus I wanted to take some of these dogs home with me.
Lynn calls me St. Francis and Dr. Doolittle :)
If I could afford it I would have a menagerie for sure.
I started searching the web for horse rescues on Long Island and most just didn't feel right to me. Some were restrictive in the interaction with the horses and I was looking to be involved, not just on the fringes.
So around April or May of 2013 I reached out to the Volunteer Coordinator at North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary. Beth immediately responded and advised me of the training schedule. But unfortunately every day that the training was held I had a conflict with either a Civil War event or a personal obligation. So I continued going to Kent and living life.
In November of 2013 tragedy struck as our only child Frank Jr. was taken from us. He had an asthma attack which closed his airway and resulted in cardiac arrest. Needless to say that this crushed my wife and I and many others. He left his fiancee and a 14 month old son, Jack.
Thank God for them, They eased the loss to some degree, along with others in our life.
After this it was hard for me to attend reenactments. My Son and I had done this together since he was 14. He passed over to the other side of life at the age of 31. You do the math :)
Throughout this time I kept in contact with Beth who was very supportive and even extended an open invitation for me to come out whenever I could.
So I put it out to the Universe, my desire to own and or be around horses. I knew that I couldn't afford the board for one so I figured if I volunteered I could be around them and learn, but more importantly do some good for them......little did I know that I would also be doing good for me......
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
In the beginning
Hi all
Let me begin by saying that I am in no way shape or form a writer/author. So there will be spelling, grammar, and all sorts of mistakes throughout my journal. :)
I would say that my love for horses began many years ago with my red rocking horse Joe Joe. I guess that I was around 5 years old. I would strap on my chaps and six shooters and of course my cowboy hat. (I will look for a pic of that and post it).
Then I would mount my trusty steed and ride off to capture the villains But of course that daydream only lasted a little while due to the fact that my sister Roseann was standing nearby begging for a ride. Oh well, so much for the life of a young Sheriff.
When I was 9 years old, almost 10, my family and I moved up to Pine City NY. Near Elmira and Horseheads NY (Irony?)
There I learned to swim, raise rabbits, work on a farm picking strawberries and cucumbers, and work with cows.
I even learned how to hunt with my Uncle's step sons from Tennessee. But I didn't care for that.
But the greatest thing that I got to do was ride a horse...a real life horse!!! The father of a girl in my class raised and sold horses. She and I were head over heals for each other in Puppy Love.
One day she told me to come to her house because she had a surprise for me.
So again, I mounted my steed, a Black 26" English racer bike, and rode as fast as I could peddle.
When I arrived she and her Dad took me to the fence that bordered this gigantic field that had so many horses in it. Beth's Dad told me to pick two horses and that I could ride them whenever I wanted to. I had to groom them, water and feed them, and of course, muck their stalls when they were kept in the barn.
I learned what I thought was so much about horses. I would realize how easy he was being on me once I started volunteering at the North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary. (NSHRS), in Baiting Hollow, NY.
Over the next year I learned how to ride with a saddle and bare back. My Mom was so worried that I would fall or be thrown. My friends and I would go camping down by Seeley with our horses and our BB Guns and pretend that we were cowboys on the open range. It was awesome.
Eventually my Dad moved us back to Brooklyn due work and I left my horses behind.
For years I dreamed of riding them. I could feel the oneness with them that I felt when I was physically riding them. And sure I had my stints of going to a dude ranch, and also riding herd bound rentals. But there was NOTHING that could compare to my two.
Fast forward many years and I became a Civil War Reenactor. I was consistently around either Staff horses or Cavalry horses. Needless the to say that the spark to ride was rekindled.
As I moved up in rank I was at a point where it was historically correct to ride a horse.....more to come.
Let me begin by saying that I am in no way shape or form a writer/author. So there will be spelling, grammar, and all sorts of mistakes throughout my journal. :)
I would say that my love for horses began many years ago with my red rocking horse Joe Joe. I guess that I was around 5 years old. I would strap on my chaps and six shooters and of course my cowboy hat. (I will look for a pic of that and post it).
Then I would mount my trusty steed and ride off to capture the villains But of course that daydream only lasted a little while due to the fact that my sister Roseann was standing nearby begging for a ride. Oh well, so much for the life of a young Sheriff.
When I was 9 years old, almost 10, my family and I moved up to Pine City NY. Near Elmira and Horseheads NY (Irony?)
There I learned to swim, raise rabbits, work on a farm picking strawberries and cucumbers, and work with cows.
I even learned how to hunt with my Uncle's step sons from Tennessee. But I didn't care for that.
But the greatest thing that I got to do was ride a horse...a real life horse!!! The father of a girl in my class raised and sold horses. She and I were head over heals for each other in Puppy Love.
One day she told me to come to her house because she had a surprise for me.
So again, I mounted my steed, a Black 26" English racer bike, and rode as fast as I could peddle.
When I arrived she and her Dad took me to the fence that bordered this gigantic field that had so many horses in it. Beth's Dad told me to pick two horses and that I could ride them whenever I wanted to. I had to groom them, water and feed them, and of course, muck their stalls when they were kept in the barn.
I learned what I thought was so much about horses. I would realize how easy he was being on me once I started volunteering at the North Shore Horse Rescue and Sanctuary. (NSHRS), in Baiting Hollow, NY.
Over the next year I learned how to ride with a saddle and bare back. My Mom was so worried that I would fall or be thrown. My friends and I would go camping down by Seeley with our horses and our BB Guns and pretend that we were cowboys on the open range. It was awesome.
Eventually my Dad moved us back to Brooklyn due work and I left my horses behind.
For years I dreamed of riding them. I could feel the oneness with them that I felt when I was physically riding them. And sure I had my stints of going to a dude ranch, and also riding herd bound rentals. But there was NOTHING that could compare to my two.
Fast forward many years and I became a Civil War Reenactor. I was consistently around either Staff horses or Cavalry horses. Needless the to say that the spark to ride was rekindled.
As I moved up in rank I was at a point where it was historically correct to ride a horse.....more to come.
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