Apologies for not posting often. I've been busy with the Second Annual Phoenix Award Gala and the ASPCA Help a Horse Day event planning. Aside from that, my job and things at home have kept me busy too.
I can't believe that the Gala is this Friday, March 4th. It is shaping up to be an excellent affair. The
Chinese Auction baskets that we are offering are unbelievable. The values of them are in the $100's.
jetBlue Airways donated 2 round trip tickets that are worth at least $900.00.
And the venue is outstanding. There is still time to buy tickets. And you can buy a full table of 10 seats and get a discounted price of $850.00.
People lose site of the fact that this is a fund raiser. And it is one of the largest generators of dollars for the rescue. And on top of having a great experience at the gala, your ticket purchase is tax deductible!!!! This to me is a NO brainier..... But I digress .
Last weekend Lynn and I were thrown a curve ball. Without going into details, something that we expected to happen, happened. Nothing terrible, but something that is causing us to deal with the emotions of losing Frankie on another level. When I heard about it, it knocked me back to the freshness of losing my son all over again. The wound that had been healing slowly was torn open again.
As anyone who has lost a child can attest, you never ever get over that loss. You can replace a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or learn to deal with the death of a sibling or parent. But there is no way in the world to replace your child!! Period!! People fail to realize that it's not just the death, it's all of the other things like; all of the what could have been's, if only's, and whole assortment of what if's.
I have been dealing with the loss of him pretty well. And the entrance into my life of Sir and the folks at the North Shore Horse Rescue have been a very large contributor to me making great strides in doing so. And for that I am eternally indebted and grateful.
So when I heard the news I ran the gamut of emotions. I felt as though Frankie had just passed over to the other side of life all over again.
Then the sadness set in. Fighting back the tears and putting on the usual happy face was a strain.
Sir was turned out in the big pasture at the front of the farm. The one that is on Sound Ave.
All I could think of was the comfort that I needed from my friend. The one that has done so much for me in dealing with this!
Lately Sir has been aloof and not as interactive with me as he had been. I am not savvy enough about Equine behavior to even attempt to analyze why, But the point is he hasn't been.
But this was different. I began walking towards him as he grazed. Tears flowing down my face. He immediately lifted his head and began wal
king towards me. As he got closer his pace seemed to quicken.
He came up to me and put his forehead against my chest and my sadness started to subside, Then he placed his head onto my right shoulder and leaned into me. He lowered his chin and pulled me into him, as if to hug me. Please do not chastise me for humanizing him. I am not....just stating the facts as they occurred.
He stood like that for quite some time.And as I stroked his neck he made these sounds that I can only explain as cooing....all the while keeping me close to him. He washed the sadness away....
Since then he and I are back to our old ways....he greets me and follows me around like a pup. He stares at me from his paddock while I am standing at the barn door. (something that he had stopped doing for awhile.)
So thank you Sir! Thanks for continuing your healing ways! I don't know what I would do with out you!
Until next time
Sir's Human