Hi again everyone
Wow was that a blizzard this past weekend or was that a blizzard!???!!!??
I was unable to make it out to the rescue this past weekend due to airing on the side of safety all volunteers were asked to stay away until the weather improved and the plowing was done.
From what I understand the wind was wreaking havoc out there and they almost lost a section of the barn roof. Tommy braved the storm and climbed a ladder and was able to screw down the panels and saved the day!
Sunday I was busy cleaning my driveway as well as my neighbor's driveway. Thank God for my newly acquired used snow blower. It really made the job easier. Considering that we had around 2 foot of snow we were done really quick.
I saw pictures of Sir and the paddock looked as though the high winds had blown some of the snow away from it. I could see the dirt in the pics.
I can't wait to get out there to spend some time with him. Most likely next Sunday will be the soonest that I can make it out there.
On a positive note the days are getting longer and the daytime temps have been mild. Soon I will be able to go to the rescue straight from work and still have some time to be there before it gets dark.
We continue to work on the 2nd Annual Phoenix Award Gala and have begun work on the ASPCA Help A Horse Day, The Civil War Battle Event is currently on hold pending approval for a site to hold it on.
If you know of any place close to Baiting Hollow that may want to host it let me know.
I will be posting further info on the Gala on the following post.
Until next time......take care
Sir's Human