The other day I spent some time looking for something in my posts that I needed info on. I started from the beginning here on the blog.
It was a trip down memory lane.
There were happy and sad posts as well as the announcements of events and fund raisers.
And of course the many posts about my boy Sir!
It's wonderful to be able to look back and remember what took place. What the hopes and dreams were and the relationships that were fostered and lost.
But I guess like most things, people and situations change.
If you are a believer that we all come into this world with a purpose it makes the changes somewhat easier to accept. We all have a job to do, a lesson to learn or teach. And so it goes.
But it is sometimes hard to accept the loss of friends that you felt close to. This is life in general I guess. Albeit in my Civil War Re-enactment community, the Horse Rescue, etc. I have lost people that were like family. And that is the hardest part to move on from........
And to that end I say to those individuals; Thanks for being a part of my life. Thanks for teaching me valuable lessons about humanity and other things.
I sometimes miss you out of thin air. And honestly, there are times that you are not even a thought. But you will always remain a part of my life's history and what I have become to this point in my life.
I hope someday our paths cross and we can reminisce about the times that we had together, good and bad and look back with fondness and thanks!
Until next time!
Sir's Human!