Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

onward thru time.

So the weeks passed by and I found myself missing Sir more and more. He began to recognize me when I pulled into the property or walked up to the paddock. His ears would go up and his eyes would open wide as he craned his neck to watch me.
I found myself spending more time at the rescue as well.
It went from Saturday, to Saturday & Sunday, then Saturday, Sunday, and a night after work during the week.
Thank God for my wife Lynn. She is so understanding and patient and most of all encouraging!
She and others began  mentioning to me that they noticed a good change in me. I felt it too. The people at the rescue also mentioned the change they saw in Sir as well. He was more confident, seemed happier.
So here we were, a man and a horse both dealing with something that took something away from us.
I started sponsoring Sir and tending to him specifically. As time passed he was comfortable with me grooming him. Even allowing me to lift his feet to pick his hooves. He has even started leaning on me as I do it. I swear that if I didn't know better he was breaking my balls! LOL
He will follow me with his head at my shoulder, without a lead line and comes to me when I call him.
One day I was petting and talking to my friend Pete's horse Bullet and Sir ran in between us and was nudging me. Jealous? Some people thought so. And honestly so did I LOL

I started learning how to prep the various feed buckets for the individual horses. Each have their own diets and supplements. This was concocted by Laurel. There is also a Holistic spin on some of them.

The horses know when it's feeding time. They all either stand by the fences or go to  their feeding spot. Some go in the run ins, others go to the bucket hooks or the where the bucket is normally placed. It's amazing.
They all know their names and most will come when called. To think that some people think that these are dumb uncaring animals boggles my mind. Come spend a day with me out at the farm and I guarantee it will change your mind.

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