Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's been Crazy busy!

Hi all

It has been quite the busy week since I wrote last.

Santa made his appearance last Saturday and honestly it was a slow day. But thank you to those that came and took pics
Hopefully this Saturday will be busier.

I have also been working on the committee for the Gala that is coming up in March 4, 2016. I will post the press release here as soon as it undergoes it's final proof read.It's shaping up to be a great time!

 I hope to see you there.

Also in the works is the Civil War Battle Re_enactment at Hallockville Museum Farm next August 6 & 7th. All the proceeds will benefit both the North Shore Horse Rescue and Hallockville Farm Museum. I speak from experience when I say that it is a fun way to spend with time your family. I will fill you in on a separate post soon.

My Lunch break is over so I will post again soon!

Sir's Human!

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