Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sir on the mend

Hi all

I went to the barn yesterday and could not believe my eyes.
Sir was in the barn on cross ties with his butt facing me. I wasn't sure it was him at first.
His ribs were not as pronounced as they were and his hips were filling in. He was gaining weight!!!
It seems like the meds that Dr. Wen prescribed are working.

He has an awesome appetite and is alert and interactive. His coat feels good too. There is no longer an oily feel to it. All in all he looks good and seems to be on the mend.That of course makes me happy!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support!

If you are in the neighborhood this coming weekend, 10/8 &10/9, stop by the farm for our fund raising yard sale. There will be lots of new items as well as saddles and various tack items. Of course all proceeds go to the care of the rescued horses.

And don't forget about the Paint Night fund raising event that is coming up on October 12th at Joe's Garage and Grill in Riverhead.

The rescue depends on volunteers,donations, and fund raisers for it's survival.

Sir and I hope to see you there!


Sir's Human

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