Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Quick Update

Hi all

Sorry for the lapse in posting. I have been busy with meetings for the rescue and the two Civil War organizations that I am affiliated with.

The medications seem to be working. The edema seems to be subsiding. And of course the medication for the heart is doing what it does. 😉
As stated in my last post it is not a cure. It will help to prolong his life. To look at him you wouldn't think that he has any issues. He is alert and eating, is mobile and his bodily functions seem to be normal.
He is a fighter!

I was out at the barn last Sunday for awhile and spent some time with him. Haltered him up and we went for a stroll. He always likes to do that. He grazed a little on whatever grass he could find. And generally seemed to enjoy himself.

So the prayers and Reiki, medication, etc. seems to be doing the trick for now.

The rescue really needs donations. Not only for Sir but for the rescue's operation and the horses.

Please consider a monthly donation or $5, $10, $15, or whatever you can afford. Your donations are tax deductible and your would truly be making a difference!

Have any fund raising ideas? Any questions about the rescue? Email me at or just comment here!
We could really use your help!

Until next time

Take care


Sir's Human

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