Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Still here ☺

Hi all

It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted.

I saw Sir over the weekend and again yesterday. He looked good. He seemed a bit stiff when we first started walking but gradually loosened up and was walking okay.
He seems so normal on the outside. But I know what is rumbling on the inside. I can only hope that he hangs on.

I wish that I could put into words how he makes me feel when I am with him. But no words could do justice to the overwhelming joy and euphoria that he brings me.

Yesterday when I was with him I was leaning over the top rail of the paddock fence and he came to me and was or seemed to be very needy. Needy of my touch and voice. So I accommodated him the best that I could. He seemed to be happy that I did.

Please continue with your prayers and rituals. And if you feel that you want to help with his medication a donation would be very much appreciated. Just mark in the notes field that it's for Sir's meds.

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Thanks again all!


Sir's Human

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