Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Has it been almost a month???

A Big Hello to ALL of my Readers!

I can't believe that it has been almost a month since my last post.
As you can imagine I have been busy at work, home, & at the rescue.

I have been spending more time with Sir this past month and I am happy to say that we are back to where we were as far as our bond.
And it feels great! Hopefully I will ride him soon.  One of my friends at the barn said that she will help me brush up on my riding technique and help with some ground work with Sir.
I am looking forward to that.

I took my friend Pete to have his hernia surgery done the other day. It turns out that he had a double hernia. Spent the day and part of the evening with him, He is doing well and seems to be healing quickly.

The ASPCA Help A Horse Day was held on Saturday April 23rd at the Rescue. The day started out with misty rain. And attendance in the first couple of hours was thin. However, after the rain ended the crowds grew. I was told that over 300 people attended the event. We had food vendors and an ice cream truck. There were many craft vendors that attended as well as three animal shelters; Kent Animal Shelter, Riverhead Animal Shelter, and South Hampton Animal Shelter as well.
WEHM DJ Anthony was there and gave away a multitude of prizes, including concert tickets!

There were several Equine Demonstrations throughout the day as well. Equine Massage, Horse Shoeing, a Tour of the Farm, as well as face painting, a live band, etc. There were information tables set up for various farm related activities, etc.

After finishing my shift at the sign in table I was doing what I enjoy best.....I was a "Floater". I walked and mingled with the crowd. Spoke to lots of people and vendors concerning the rescue and what we hope to accomplish.

I invite you to make a trip out to the rescue someday. Come see the horses and meet the awesome volunteers. Find out how the horses are used for helping Veterans with PTSD through our sister organization Heart2Heart.
Bring a picnic lunch and some carrots for the horses and just enjoy the surroundings and the day!

I Remain Humbly


Sir's Human!

P.S. Please comment on this or any other blog post. It will at least let me know that it's seen.
If you are having a problem commenting email me


  1. I love that you are doing this, Frank. Sir has been a lifeline for you, since the day you first met. This blog is a wonderful account of your survival after tragedy.

  2. You may never know if you made a difference in someone's life by posting your journey... But, it has the power to heal. And, I am proud of you for doing this, and all you do...for me, for those you love, and yourself. You are my real life hero.


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