Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Getting back on track

Hi All .....and hi from Sir too ;<)

I went out to the farm last Saturday to drop off some cat food and to visit. The weather was more like February than April. Rain and cold. The wind was whipping.
I saw my pal Pete and Rosemarie. As well as Laurel, Tom, Sue, Marissa D.and Bill.

I had dinner over Pete's house the night before. Man he is some cook. He cuts no corners. It's a minimum of 3-4 course meal. He spares no expense. Aside from that, he is great company and a good friend. I really like listening to his stories. He is only 10 years older than I am, but when I get lost in his stories I feel so much younger.
Lynn and I plan on taking him to dinner soon....our treat LOL

I was happy to see Sir and he appeared to be happy to see me as well. (Aside from the weather).
I gave him some apples and carrots and he seemed pleased with the fact that his paddock mates left us to ourselves. He took his time eating and spending  time with me.

Without going into details, for the past month I have been pretty much MIA from the rescue. (My Choice)
Circumstances made me decide to stay away. In no way was this caused by Tom and Laurel.
But sometimes personalities clash or misunderstandings arise and you just have to separate yourself from it. So I did.
I hope that this rift can be mended soon. I miss my Friends and Cohorts! Our "A" Team is now a "No" Team. But I truly believe that the foundation is still there and we can work out the causes and resurrect the team, like a Phoenix, and be better than before.

That being said, I made a vow when I first bonded with Sir. I vowed that I would never walk away from him, He has been walked away from too many times in the past. I plan to live up to that vow, to Sir and all of the other Horses that reside there.

Come on out to our ASPCA Help A Horse Day on April 23rd. Help to support us and assist us in our bid for a $25,000.00 grant from the ASPCA.
If you come out look me up. I will introduce you to Sir and try to get you into my blog posts.

Until next time.....thanks for reading.......

I remain humbly


Sir's Human

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