Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

On to the next event....

Hi All

Really not much going on lately. The Gala was a success and money was raised to support the rescue. We all had a wonderful time. And thanks to our Supporters and Attendees for helping to make the event one to remember.

The next event is the ASPCA Help A Horse Day to be held April 23rd at the North Shore Horse Rescue & Sanctuary.

There will be vendors, food trucks, demonstrations. News12. WEHM Radio, and so much more.
Please try to attend as this is one of our major fund raising events for the year and additionally we have a shot at obtaining a $25,000.00 grant from the ASPCA.

I haven't spent too much time with Sir lately. Some changes in my life and my circle have prevented that. But I hope to get back on track soon.

Please don't forget that you can donate to the rescue any time for any amount by visiting  our donate page. Just click below. You can also use the donate button on our Facebook page.

No amount is too small or too large!

Thanks for reading and a new post will be coming soon.

Until next time....I Remain


Sir's Human

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