Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Friday, December 7, 2018

I'm back!

Hi all

After a long hiatus I am back. I was having issues with the domain name and finally fixed it last night.
Since Sir has passed on I haven't been out to the Rescue too often. It just seems surreal to me going there and not having him there to interact with. But the rescue and the horses there still are close to my heart!
But in all fairness I have accomplished so much here at home. I even built a deck that has a roof for my wife. 😉

I still serve on the Board and do what I can to assist with the website and social media.
I still haven't figured out what this Blog will be about or become, but I feel an obligation to keep it going in honor of Sir. Without his brief time in my life this Blog wouldn't exist.
So if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know by either commenting here or emailing me at

I will definitely be using this space to announce events at the rescue and other fund raising initiatives.

I hope that I didn't lose too many of you, and I can't blame anyone who I have.

So please send me suggestions on what I might concentrate on here.


And always; I remain Sir's Human!


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