Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A dream that I wish could come true!!

I was dreaming that I was riding Sir along with my friends at the horse rescue. It was Laurel Palermo,Beth Getty Springston,Nikii JanineElizabeth Johnsen GebersMarissa Doyen , and some others There were thousands of rescued horses behind us as we were leading them to safety. In the distance I could see a swirling light that was changing colors. Each color was representative of our chakras. Most prevalent were love and healing! We started galloping towards this light. Our whole herd! It was thunderous. We were all smiling and cheering. The horses were neighing and whinnying. Then I woke up. I could still hear the hooves pounding on the earth as I lay in my bed. Then I realized it was the heavy rain on my roof. It was so calming that I just laid there and soaked it in!!!

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