Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sir's health rollercoaster ride.

Hi again Sir's minions

I am up at Cranberry Lake again enjoying the quiet and fresh air.

I believe that in my last post I said something about possible good news about Sir.
At that time the Vet who performed the surgery thought that it might not be cancer, but instead a tick related illness.
Apparently after some research he found that the two are very close under the microscope.
If that were the case antibiotics would cure it.
So more blood was taken and sent to the lab.

That whole week we waited in anticipation of the results. We felt very confident that the results would show it to be tick related.
The results came back and were negative for lymes disease,
To top it off Sir was having a reaction to the Chinese Herbs where his legs were swollen and he was drinking way more water than usual. They were stopped and the swelling went down.

However, he then was bitten by an insect or rubbed on something and got an infection. More swelling in his chest and front legs. That and a rub sore on his front leg caused by the fly wraps.
This poor guy couldn't catch a break.
Thank God for Laurel though. She is always so observat and spots any abnormality with the horses.

The Vet came out and located the cause of the infection. A very small cut that was barely noticeable.
He started him on antibiotics. Additionally, he diagnosed Sir with Atrial Fibrillation. Something that I am very familiar with as I have it too. Less a leaky valve.
Sir has a leaky valve which disrupts the blood flow. It causes a backflow in layman's terms.

So the diagnosis is to not work him or ride him. Once he gets past the other stuff there is a procedure available that can correct the A Fib and leaky valve.
Other than that no one really knows what Sir has.

Laurel's niece Dr, Rooney put it best; (I'm paraphrasing) "If it were my horse I would monitor the situation. Keep an eye on his lymph glands.etc."

In other words, he is pooping, peeing, eating, and drinking. He is alert and very interactive...more than I have known him to be since I met him over a year ago, So why bombard him with drugs before we know exactly what he has....if he has anything at this point.

Please rest assured that Sir will be closely monitored and well taken care of. He currently has the first stall in the barn, the one right next to the kitchen where the buckets are made up. He is constantly knocking things over and getting treats and extra grain. He is being spoiled to say the least! LOL

I can't wait to go see him when I return. Laurel and my friends at the barn have been keeping me updated during this week with pictures and text messages.
But it's not the same as being with him.

Looking better than ever!

Until next time.......


Sir's Human

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Upcoming Fund Raising Events

Hi Sir's Minions

We have some really nice fund raising events coming up soon.

First one up is the Annual Labor Day Yard Sale!!

This will be held on September 3rd and 4th at the farm:
2330 Sound Ave
Baiting Hollow NY 11933

Please donate any unwanted lightly used items. You are who makes these yard sales successful!
Thanks for the support!

Next up is an event that is sure to draw a lot of attention!

PAINT NIGHT at Joe's Garage & Grill in Riverhead

Visit for directions.

To purchase tickets to this event visit
Seating is limited so purchase your tickets soon!

Proceeds from this event will go to support the North Shore Horse Rescue.

This should be a fun night..cocktails, painting, laughs, and friends!

Hope to see you there!

Lastly, the Comedy Night at Governors is in the planning stages. Once a date has been secured I will let you know.

Please try and support the rescue through any or all of these fund raising events!


Until next time........

I Remain


Sir's Human

Friday, August 12, 2016

Another Comedy Club fund raiser event coming soon!

Hi all

For those of you who attended the last Comedy Club fund raiser at Governors you already know what a great time we all had.
The comedians were great and I laughed so hard that my sides hurt!

If you missed that one have no fear because Elizabeth is planning another one for the near future!

Check back for updates.

Sir is doing well.....we are still waiting for the latest blood test results. As soon as I know you will know!!

Until next time


Sir's Human

Monday, August 8, 2016

Wellness Day at the rescue

Hi Folks

I hope that all of you are doing well and enjoying your summer!

I was out at the barn Friday night for a bit after work and hung with Sir for a while and shot the breeze with Louise and Laurel.
Apparently the Chinese herb medicine was not agreeing with Sir and his legs were swollen again.He was retaining water so Dr. Wen told Laurel to stop the meds.Which she pretty much had figured out anyway. So she did and he began improving.

(Additionally there may be some good news for Sir coming in the next week or so. But like my superstitious Italian Mother would say, " Don't jinx it" I won't! LOL)

I arrived at the barn Saturday morning a bit later than I had wanted to, I was held up by the wait in the bagel store. But it was worth it. I arrived toting the bagels and box of joe, etc.
Sir was in his stall being spoiled by Laurel as she prepared the feed buckets. Tom was filling water troughs. Julie was helping Laurel. everyone was busy.

I jumped on the gator and proceeded to feed the horses. It never ceases to amaze me how the horses see you coming and go right to where they normally eat.Some of them even chastise you if you are taking your time. Danny is good for that. He grunts and snorts and taps the ground with his hoof. LOL

Elizabeth and her daughter Erica arrived and jumped in to help as usual with grooming and mucking, and whatever else needed attention.

Laurel's niece Cait, or should I say Dr. Cait Rooney DVM, arrived. She recently graduated and is licensed to practice Veterinary medicine. She went right to work.
She took blood from Sir, floated the teeth of Cisco and Copper, gave varioius horses their shots, treated Cisco's tick bite, and treated Tate's eye. I helped her and Laurel float the teeth....all I did was hold the contraption that held their heads up. LOL But I was allowed to stick my hand into Cisco's mouth to feel the hooks on his teeth. Very cool!
I enjoyed helping her. It was something new and different.

I ended the day by helping with the feed buckets. The heat and humidity had it's effect on all of us.

Sir is like a different horse. He is much more animated and is literally eating like a horse times 10 LOL
He seems content and interested in everything around  him....he loves the interaction that he gets in the front stall.

I will keep you updated on his condition.

Until next time.......


Sir's Human