Forever Watching

Forever Watching
Forever Watching!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Update on Sir

Hi everyone

I must begin by thanking those of you who have donated. So far we have raised $2,375.00.
Words cannot express our gratitude.
All donations are tax deductible and if you have an issue about donating on the internet you can donate via check as well. Just note that it's for Sir's Surgery and it will find it's way to the right place.

Sir is doing well. Laurel decided that we should wait to have the surgery done until after the 4th of July holiday. This way he won't be healing and stressing with the fireworks.
That is one smart lady ;<)

I can't wait to get those things off of him!! Just the the fact that they are foreign to his body disturbs me. But my gut is telling me that he will be okay! And I am sticking with my gut!!

Please pass the word onto to your friends and family. A $5.00 donation is all it takes. If you can give more please do.

Donate here

Until next time

I Remain

Sir's Human!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

So far so good!

Hi all,

Wow the response so far is mind boggling to say the least!
We have raised just over $1,000.00 so far. I cannot express in words the gratitude that I have for your generosity!.

Please spread the word by sharing the link for the fund raiser page.

The more people that know about it the better chance we will have of reaching our goal.
If anyone has issues with donating online you can send a check or money order to the North Shore Horse Rescue. Just put Sir's Surgery in the memo slot.
Make the check out to North Shore Horse Rescue so you can receive your tax deduction.
Mail to;

2330 Sound Ave
Baiting Hollow NY 11930

I went out to see Sir last night after work. He is his usual self.
 I want to post pics of the tumors either here or on the fundly site but am unsure if that would be wrong or not.

Thoughts????? Please feel free to comment.

I will keep you all posted as things progress......

Until next time


Sir's Human

Monday, June 13, 2016

Sir needs our help! Please

Hi All

My horse Sir has developed tumors and we are raising money for the surgery to have them removed and biopsied. 
Most of you know Sir and my story and you also know how much he means to me.

I was somewhat taken aback when the Veterinarian announced his diagnosis. Did I hear him correctly??!!!??? Did he say tumors??!!??? 
Holy shit!! My first reaction was borderline panic, then fear of losing another being that I love. The look on my face must have said it all because the Veterinarian made sure that he explained it to me again after he looked at one of Nicole's minis suffering from a sore back.
He explained that it would be a simple procedure and may take as little as 15 minutes with no hospital stay. On a positive note the tumors were not attached to any vital organs at present and appeared to be only attached to his skin.
However they must be removed and biopsied. If they are malignant he will need to be on Cancer meds for a year. But I am not going there!!!
Due to Sir's heart murmur he cannot be fully sedated. So this must be done in a hospital setting. I can promise you that I will be there for the surgery.

The estimated cost for the surgery is between $3,000.00 to $5,000.00. I have set up a fund to help defer the cost to the rescue. I of course will donate as much as I can for my boy! 
No donation is too small folks so please send what you can. It all adds up at the end.
The link for the fund is here Sir's surgery fund
All donations that go through this link will go through the North Shore Horse Rescue
and are tax deductible. It is preferred that donations are made through the page we set up at in order to keep the books straight.
I hope that you can find it in your heart to help. Even $1.00 each would help. If 100 people donated $30.00 each we would meet the $3000.00 with ease....

Donations aside....ALL prayers are welcome!
Please share this blog post, my FB page post, and donation page links with your friends and contacts.
I will keep you all updated as things progress.....
As always, thanks for reading ;) 

I humbly remain
Sir's Human